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[PilotMgr] PalmPilot Sync question

Hi everyone.. question... my manager uses his Palm for 'everything' and travels 
extensively.. his question is how can he sync his Palm Pilot Calendar to his CDE 
Calendar from his laptop or can he only sync from a Sun Solaris workstation?

Anyone have any ideas??

Thanks in advance!

   |\      _,,,---,,			  
   /,`.-'`'    -.  ;--;;,__		 
  |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (   `'--'  "Luckster"		
    /_____/\      Carole Pochini
   /_____\\ \     Project Coordinator
  /_____\ \\ /    Sun Microsystems Finance
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\_____\//\   / /  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 \_____/ / /\ /   One Network Drive
  \_____/ \\ \    Burlington, MA 01803-9003
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