> I'm really in need of some help with my conduit. What's the best way
> to debug Pilot-Manager? Is it possible to just run 'perl -d
> pilot-manager'? I don't even know when my appinfo structure is
> getting corrupted. It's sometime after the readFile callback. Any
> help would be appreciated.
> Again, my project info (including source in html and downloadable) is
> at http://www.lathi.net/services/syncemacstodo.html
I've always used 'perl -d' in the past. It's a fine tool.
For some quick help, try "perldoc perldebug". I say quick,
but on my machine that manual is 77,000 lines long so it's
probably pretty comprehensive.
One tricky thing about using perl -d here is that the pilot-link
code is not in perl, so at some point you're going to lose
control when it dives down into the native implementation.
Recently I've started using DDD for debugging Java. I've found
it to be a very lightweight and flexible debugger, although a
bit buggy itself (prone to hangs, etc) although that may just
be because I'm running it against a version of the JVM that it
doesn't support.
good luck,