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[PilotMgr] Network Sync in the future?

While I have not yet gotten Pilot Manager running I anticipate that it would 
be nice to use at work as well as at home.  Work is an NT4 laptop and an 
Xterminal pointed at a large number of HP and AIX machines all of which have 
Perl and ical available.  Since Perl is so network aware I'm wondering if 
there is any hope that future releases will support network sync of my Palm if 
I get it on the network via PPP on my laptop.  I am willing to contribute to 
an effort although my time is severely limited due to my second job (sysadmin) 
and my first and most important job (daddy!).

|Chuck Mattern           | "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."|
|cmattern@xxxxxxxxxxxx   | -Friedrich Nietzsche-                            |

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