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[PilotMgr] Filenames on the pilot with / and PilotManager Backup

It does not fully work with filenames with / in the pilot. The TDK
GSM mobil phone software has this. I have patched it up and with
this it works. It involes patching the Backup.pm perl script and
patching Backup.prefs and .archive_manifest.

I don't know if this is the best why to fix it, but it looks like
it works.

Applay the patch below to Backup.pm.

Patch the Backup.prefs in the last part and change the / into =2F.

Patch the .archive_manifest file in the archives.

---Bo Kullmar

*** Backup.pm.orig      Mon Jan 10 22:33:26 2000
--- Backup.pm   Mon Jan 10 22:07:30 2000
*** 433,438 ****
--- 433,440 ----
      foreach $db (reverse @{$PREFS->{"active"}})
+       $db =~ s|=3D|=|g;
+       $db =~ s|=2F|/|g;           
        if (!grep($_->{"name"} eq $db, @{$PREFS->{"dbinfo"}}))
            PilotMgr::msg("Database '$db' no longer exists on the Pilot\n" .
*** 690,695 ****
--- 692,700 ----
                             $dbname, $info))
                    $PREFS->{"backuprecord"}->{$dbname} = time;
+                   # Protect any special characters
+                   $dbname =~ s|=|=3D|g;
+                   $dbname =~ s|/|=2F|g;           
                    push(@success, $dbname);

--- Bo Kullmar

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