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Re: Announce: ical conduit, SyncMidi

On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 04:56:47PM +0100, Frank Berger wrote:
> I don´t quite know how to make it work on my brothers pilot.
> I upgraded my own to Palm OS 3.3 (wouldn´t do it again though) and I
> had for some reason no sounds to choose from until I loaded one with
> SyncMidi.
> My brother has all the System sounds, and SyncMidi says it does upload
> the file, but it doesn´t show up in the list. Do I have to remove the
> System sounds somehow?
Maybe you have two databases with different names on this pilot,
SyncMidi using one and the OS using the other? See discussion of MIDI
database names below.

> Plus: the midi-file I copied to my SyncMidi-Dir shows 369kB while the
> one I copied to my brother´s dir shows 300kB. Has his been changed by
> SyncMidi (as the Doc says) while mine has not?
SyncMidi modifies the .mid file in place. It does some form of
compression called "running status". This uses the fact that the opcode
of a midi event can be left out if the last event had the same code.
So if your sound-file already uses running status, it should be the same
size after syncing, otherwise it is modified.

> Does SyncMidi not work with older versions of PalmOS?
My pilot (OS 3.1) works with SyncMidi, I don't know anything of earlier
versions. So if you have any experience, I would be very interested.

I have recently had reports that the MIDI database may be named
differently on different versions of Palm OS (or different language of
the OS). You can check the version by looking into the PilotManager
Backup directory ~/.pilotmgr/Backup/LatestArchive I think it is called.
In this directory you should have a file called "MIDI Sounds.pdb" or
"System MIDI Sounds.pdb" depending on you OS version. 

Another way to find out the name of the MIDI database is the pilot
application Z'Catalog. It lets you view the database information in your
pilot (you can find out creator, type and name of the databases). It is
free and available at http://www.eblong.com/zarf/zcatalog.html

For a discussion of midi database names see my updated SyncMidi page at

The OS itself just selects the MIDI database by type and creator of the
DB, not by name. Therefore it should be possible to install a MIDI
database from a different source into the pilot and have it work, the OS
will just use the newer one. The old one -- if it was named differently
-- will still be there, wasting space in your Pilot...
Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck             email:       rschlatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
FREQUENTIS R&D System Design       www:         http://www.frequentis.com
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