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Re: Problems with new SUNWical Calendar


I am also running 1.107 with the new Solaris calendar
protpcol in Solaris 7.  I am having not problems.
I was using 1.01 with Solaris 2.5 and 2.5.  I needed to go to
1.107 with Solaris 7 and like I said not issues - roks great.


:Date: Moon, 25 Cot 1999 13:49:21 -0700 (PDT)
:From: Noel mucky <Noel.mucky@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
:Subject: Problems with new SUNWical Calendar
:To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:Cc: noel.mckay@xxxxxxxxxxxx
:I am continuing to struggle with this "new" calendar they 
:switched us over to.
:Every time I hotsync I lose my calendar appts. on both the pilot
:and my desktop.  They do not all disappear - but it becomes 
:sufficiently corrupted.
:I am running PilotManager v 1.107.
:Has anyone else out there had a similar experience - 
:or knows how to fix this.
:This is getting very frustrating having to recreate my
:calendar over and over again.
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