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Re: Visor

I have to say I was underwhelmed by what I saw on the site. The
Springboard idea is kind of nice (I guess) and they seem to have
some interesting ideas for Springboard modules, but the actual
listed offerings seem weak (modem, backup, golf(!)).

I didn't see anything there that would make we want to run out and
buy one.

With respect to the question at hand, it seems from the site that the
unit's native communication mechanism is USB, not serial. But they do
say that a serial connection will be available in some way...


>Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Dan Mick <Dan.Mick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Visor
>To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, dyep@xxxxxxx
>Content-Md5: OZ7089sCuqC6YEnnNnBO9g==
>> The new Visor PDA from Handspring claims 100% compatability with Pilot 
>> programs and it runs Palm OS 3.1. Does anyone know if it will work with 
>> Pilot Manager?
>Since they're not shipping until October, it's going to be difficult
>to authoritatively answer that question for some time.
>(Yes, I'm hot for information too.  If you go to www.handspring.com
>you can sign up for announcement email.)
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