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Re: Address Book Application

Larry Teitelbaum <Larry.Teitelbaum@xxxxxxx> writes:
> EditAB looks very appealing since it integrates with the Solaris 7 Address
> Manager.  I was unable to get it to install.  What's the trick?

  You have to tell TkAB.pm (same directory as EditAB.pl) where to get
  TkUtils.pm. A patch for a Debian Linux environment is included
  below. I also used it with a .vCards file. Not quite sure what you
  mean by "install"; you just run the thing.

> Has anyone used this?  What was your experience?

  It's minimally useful. Why you have to select File > Load initially
  to load the database is beyond me. If you have entries without a
  last name (e.g., companies), you can't view them since the program
  appears to be able to *only* search on last names. The Palm will
  match lookups on the company if the last name is missing. Worse,
  clicking on entries in the list view that don't have last names will
  not show (a "Search failed" error is given instead). You can view
  these entries, but you have to scroll through the entire telephone
  list in the order that the records have been saved in the Palm, not
  by any logical sort order.

  Using Emacs on the .vCards file is much easier.

  I'll be looking into jPilot which was recently described here.

[wohler@gbr:913]% cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 TkAB.pm 
Index: TkAB.pm
RCS file: /home/wohler/spool/cvsroot/wohler/.pilotmgr/contrib/bodo-bellut/TkAB.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- TkAB.pm     1999/06/29 18:50:24     1.1
+++ TkAB.pm     1999/07/06 17:25:04     1.2
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 # Add path here
-use lib "/tmp-mnt/home/bodo/pilot/pilotmgr/lib/perl5";
+use lib "/usr/lib/perl5/PilotMgr";
 # nothing to modify beyond this line
 use strict;

Bill Wohler <wohler@xxxxxxxx>
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