Marc --
There's a file in your ~/.pilotmgr/SyncCM directory called
SyncCM.log that has very basic logging of what appointments
got created on each sync. Check that to see what happened.
You can also check your callog.marcc on the volcano machine
to see what got added.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Cannava [mailto:marc.cannava@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 2:29 PM
> To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Weird SyncCM dates?
> Anyone seen this?
> Whenever I create a new appointment on my desktop calendar, then do a
> sync, the appointment is created on the Pilot, so says the log:
> 06/09/99 17:07:28 Synchronizing using the SyncCM conduit
> 06/09/99 17:07:28 Using calendar 'marcc@volcano'
> 06/09/99 17:07:28 Reading all dates.
> 06/09/99 17:07:40 2 records were created on the Pilot
> But the dates do not actually appear on my Pilot!
> Further, if I modify the dates on the desktop, it says it
> modifies them
> on the Pilot, but again, nothing appears.
> Are these appointments hidden somehow?
> Thanks for any tips..
> \marc
> --
> Marc N. Cannava
> Sun Microsystems CSIR, Burlington, MA, USA
> Marc.Cannava@xxxxxxx