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I just installed PilotManager on my Sun-Solaris-OW machine in order to
use the SyncCM conduit. It has been announced to work with Openwin- and
CDE calendar manager, but in the 1.106-version of PilotManager I found
a SyncCM-conduit that is compatible to CDE cm only.

Are there any chances to get PilotManager/SyncCM run together with my 
Openwin-Calendar manager (Solaris 2.5)? Maybe in the future? Maybe using
an older version of PilotManager?

Thanks for help


 Dr. Matthias Schuetze, Dipl.-Physiker
 Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG
 Dudenstr. 6                                      Tel.: 0621 3901 619
 68167 Mannheim                                   Fax.: 0621 3901 640

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