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Re: Netscape and Pilotmgr

HoltryF writes:
>I asked a similar question a couple of days ago.  No one has come forward
>so far.  I have looked at the problem and believe that SyncCM could be
>modified to use .vcs files, which Netscape can export and import.  I don't
>have a full spec for them, but looking at what my Netscape produces, they
>look fairly straight forward.  The biggest problem may be in trying to deduce
>repetition frequencies and exceptions, since what's in the file appears to be
>an entry for each appointment.
>If I don't find anything off-the-shelf, I will begin trying to code something.
>But this is definitely 'in the cracks' work, so it may take awhile.


Are you thinking of a conduit that would sync with a server or with the
.vcs files of a single-user?

I would be quite interested in a conduit syncing with a Netscape server.
Netscape's server is compatible with (or identical to) the CorporateTime
server made by Corporate Software & Technologies (http://www.cst.ca/).
The server is also repackaged and sold by HP under the name OpenTime.
The reason you don't hear about this this time management software is
that it's targeted at medium to large enterprises with tens of thousands
of employees.

Even though Netscape sources are free now, I don't know if this applies
to the Netscape Calendar too as it may be partly copyrighted to CS&T.
Otherwise these sources would be the obvious place to start.


Martin von Weissenberg     <http://www.hut.fi/~mweissen>
"Caffeine tabs? Almost, but not entirely unlike coffee."
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