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RE: Changing SyncCM date range

Bharat and folks,

I experienced some different behavior, but I don't know that I can describe it 
well enough for a bug to be resolved, if in fact there is a bug.

I ended up with the situation where, after changing the date from 1/1/1997 to 
1/1/1998, all of the 1998 appointments on the *desktop* were deleted, even 
though there were still appointments on the Pilot.

To complicate matters, I had previously deleted a number of "duplicates" on the 
Pilot that were created when I first sync'ed and didn't realize that an entry 
with an alarm setting (on desktop) would not be a duplicate of an entry on the 
Pilot (no alarm).  At one point I even ended up with triplicate appointments.  
So, it is not so easy to say just what caused the PM to delete the desktop 

However, I was able to recover from a backed-up DatebookDB.pdb prior to the 
duplications.  Then I reset my date to 1/1/1997 and sync'ed again, adding back 
the 1998 appointments to the desktop.

Another issue that I think I was seeing is related to when the initial entry of 
a repeating entry is made.  If that initial entry is outside of the date range, 
it appears that none of the repeated entries make it onto the Pilot.  I presume 
that is because the Pilot actually only stores the original.  So, if the 
original is outside the range, the result is no entries.

This synchronizing is tricky stuff!


>From: "Bharat Mediratta" <bmediratta@xxxxxxxxx>
>To: "'pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: Changing SyncCM date range
>Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 14:32:25 -0800
>X-Priority: 3
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Hi, guys --
>The date range logic for SyncCM is not readily apparent so let
>me explain it partially here.  Please understand that I thought
>this through fairly carefully and implemented it the way I did
>for good reasons, mainly involving performance and the available
>functionality with CDE.  I don't want to go into all the reasoning
>but here's the behaviour (perhaps somebody would like to document
>this somewhere useful).
>In a nutshell, SyncCM assumes that your desktop machine is your
>archive and your Pilot contains live data within a window of your
>total calendar.  So if you have a calendar that starts in 1992
>and you have events scheduled up to 1999, but you only want to
>have a couple of years worth of appointments on your Pilot,
>here's what it looks like
>92                     95                          98        99
>                       |------------Pilot-----------|
>Because of space limitations, you are specifying "I want to only
>carry around 3 years worth of appointments".  So now there are
>a few questions:
>Q. What happens if I insert an appointment into my desktop in	'93? 
>A. That appointment will not migrate to the Pilot
>Q. What if I insert an appointment into my Pilot in '93
>A. The appointment will get copied to the Desktop and then removed
>   from the Pilot
>Q. What happens to my '95 appointments if I move my sync date range
>   to run from '96 to '98?
>A. On the desktop, nothing.  On the Pilot, your '95-'96 appointments
>   will be removed.
>If you're not witnessing the above behaviour, then it might be a bug
>in which case it should be fixed.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:owner-pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Kent Madsen
>> Sent: Thursday, January 15, 1998 2:00 PM
>> To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; vherur@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: Re: Changing SyncCM date range
>> Vinod,
>> BE CAREFUL -- I just changed my date range (initially I mis-typed it
>> "01/01/1997" instead of "01/01/1998".
>> When I changed the date and re-ran sync, I received the same message 
>> as you -- I 
>> pressed the "what can I do" button out of curiosity.  I read the
>message from 
>> the dialog box, but when I pressed "ok" it cancelled the sync.  OK so
>> However, the *next* sync I ran -- because I really did want to delete 
>> the 1997 
>> appointments -- forgot about the "shrunk significantly" condition and
>the end 
>> result was that it transferred an extra copy of my appointments to 
>> the Pilot and 
>> then *deleted* all the 1998 appointments on my CDE calendar!
>> I'm still trying to sort this out.
>> Kent
>> >Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 12:00:52 -0800 (PST)
>> >From: "Vinod HERUR [Telecom Sales/Bus Dev - Nihon Sun]" <vherur@Eng>
>> >Subject: Changing SyncCM date range
>> >To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> >MIME-Version: 1.0
>> >Content-MD5: eBD07ySFIWECM9jZnroVHA==
>> >
>> >
>> >Hi all,
>> >
>> >I have been successfully using SyncCM for about 5 months with no
>> >problems.  I have over 500 appts that are sync'ed between the Sun
>> >and the Pilot.  I decided that I did not need to keep syncing
>> >appts before 1/1/1998 so I changed the date range.  I got a
>> >warning saying that "the number of appts have shrunk significantly
>> >and it could delete a lot of appts if I continued, etc...", so I
>> >cancelled the sync.
>> >
>> >What I would like to do is to keep the appts that are on the Pilot
>> >(and in dtcm) prior to 1/1/1998 as is on both the platforms and not
>> >have them change.  And I would like SyncCM to only sync from 1/1/1998
>> >forward.
>> >
>> >Is this possible?
>> >
>> >Vinod.
>> >
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