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PAD -- Pilot Address Dumper
You may remember the perl script I sent to the mailing list some weeks
ago? Well, it's back and it works better than before, largely due to
Mark Donnell's (donnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) efforts.
Pad now sports boolean ANDing and ORing of search terms, several
printing modes (including address fields, phone fields, all fields or
pick-your-own), there is a work file which BTW is tab delimited so you
can import it anywhere you like, and more.
And it's free. If you have ideas or contributions, please mail them
or your changed copy of pad to me.
Just save the bottom part of this mail into ~/bin/pad or wherever you
want it to go. Remember to set the executable bit.
Martin von Weissenberg <http://www.hut.fi/~mweissen>
DUNTISH, adj.: Mentally incapacitated by a severe hangover. (DA)
#! /bin/sh -- # This comment tells perl not to loop.
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# Pilot Address Dumper (or Pretty Awesome D...)
# (C) Martin von Weissenberg (mvw@xxxxxx), 1997
# Still quite alpha-stage software. Insert standard disclaimer here.
# This script, pad, is a utility for quickly finding and displaying
# addresses from an AddressDB.pdb file. It's a read-only process, so
# this utility can be rated as safe. The AddressDB.pdb file is what
# you get if you sync your USR Pilot or PalmPilot to e.g. a Unix
# workstation using pilot-link or similar software. If you have
# neither a Pilot or a workstation, the usefulness of this utility may
# be somewhat limited...
# Pad keeps a translated database in a work file in ~/.pilotmgr to
# save some time. If AddressDB.pdb is newer than the work file, we
# update the work file by translating the address file again. If
# there are arguments left when all options have been parsed, we grep
# through the work file and then pretty-print (?) the lines we found.
# The search terms are grouped together using either Boolean AND or
# Boolean OR, depending on the command line options. There is
# currently no way of specifying "term1 AND term2 OR term3".
# The information needed to parse pdb files was taken from:
# Darrin Massena's page at http://www.massena.com/darrin/pilot/
# pilot-link.0.7.6, libsock/address.c
# Contributors:
# Donnell: Mark Donnell, donnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Martin: Martin von Weissenberg, mvw@xxxxxx
# Changelog:
# Martin ??0797: First alpha version released.
# Donnell 080897: Tests for Backup/LatestArchive/AddressDB.pdb before Backup/AddressDB.pdb.
# Donnell 080897: To handle multi-line notes, moved Note to end.
# Donnell 080897: Replaced \n with \\n & \t with \\t.
# Donnell 080897: Added textual indexes (eg: $data[$labels{"Company"}]).
# Donnell 080897: Added -lp & -la modes.
# Donnell 080897: Added -L and PrintRecordCols.
# Martin 130897: Added the $pilmgrbase variable.
# Martin 200897: Changed $caseSensitivity variable from string to boolean.
# Martin 200897: Added -a and -o options.
# Martin 200897: Fixed an index bug in UpdateWorkbase which left out the last record.
# Martin 200897: Fixed up -lz mode a lot, inserting field labels.
# To do:
# - fix up the grepping stuff, it could be a lot faster using Perl internal regexps
$pilmgrbase = $ENV{HOME} . "/.pilotmgr";
$workdbpath = $pilmgrbase . "/addresses";
if (-f $pilmgrbase . "/Backup/LatestArchive/AddressDB.pdb") {
$addressdbpath = $pilmgrbase . "/Backup/LatestArchive/AddressDB.pdb";
} else {
$addressdbpath = $pilmgrbase . "/Backup/AddressDB.pdb";
$recordSep = "\n";
$fieldNum=22; # = 23-1, why not 20-1 as in address.c??
@phoneLabels = ("Work", "Home", "Fax", "Other", "E-mail", "Main", "Pager", "Mobile");
while ($_=$ARGV[0], /^-/) {
shift @ARGV;
if (/^-d(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-w(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-l(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-L(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-a$/) {
$booleanAnd = 1;
} elsif (/^-o$/) {
$booleanAnd = 0;
} elsif (/^-f$/) {
} elsif (/^-H$/) {
} elsif (/^-c$/) {
} else {
goto USAGE; # don't but me no buts about the use of goto!
if ($forceUpdate) {
&UpdateWorkbase($addressdbpath, $workdbpath);
if (! $ARGV[0]) {
exit 0;
if ($ARGV[0]) {
@ads = stat($addressdbpath) || die "$0: No such address database as $addressdbpath";
@wds = stat($workdbpath);
if ($ads[9]>$wds[9]) {
&UpdateWorkbase($addressdbpath, $workdbpath);
open (INF, "< $workdbpath") ||
die "$0: Cannot find work database file $workdbpath\n";
@labels = split(/\t/, $labels);
for ($i=0; $i<$#labels; $i++) {
$labels{"$labels[$i]"} = $i;
# $labels = "Last name First name ..."
# @labels: $labels[0] = "Last name"; $labels[1] = "First name"; ...
# %labels: $labels{"Last name"} = 0; $labels{"First name"} = 1; ...
# $labelcolumn will contain indexes of columns to print based on -L"cols ..."
if ($labelmode) {
@labelmode = split(/,/, $labelmode . ",XXXX"); # doesnt work w/o extra entry (?)
# need to pick which columns these are & get their col nums
for ($i=0; $i<=$#labelmode; $i++) {
$labelcolumn[$i] = -1;
for ($j=0; $j<=$#labels; $j++) {
if ($labels[$j] =~ /^$labelmode[$i]/) {
$labelcolumn[$i] = $j;
#$labelcolumn[$i] = $labels{$labelmode[$i]};
#$labelcolumn[$i] = -1 if ($labelcolumn[$i]==0 && $labelmode[$i] ne $labels[0]);
if ($labelmode) { &PrintRecordCols($labels) if ($printHeader); }
else { &PrintRecord($labels, $mode) if ($printHeader); }
$cs = $caseSensitivity ? '' : '-i';
# Now pick the lines to be printed.
# If $booleanAnd is true, all terms must match for each line.
if ($booleanAnd) {
$query = "grep $cs $ARGV[0] $workdbpath |";
while ($keyword=$ARGV[0]) {
$query .= "grep $cs $keyword |";
open (INF, $query);
while ($line=<INF>) {
if ($labelmode) { &PrintRecordCols($line); }
else { &PrintRecord($line, $mode); }
close (INF);
} else {
# Boolean OR: any matching term will do.
while ($keyword=$ARGV[0]) {
open (INF, "grep $cs $keyword $workdbpath |");
while ($line=<INF>) {
if ($labelmode) { &PrintRecordCols($line); }
else { &PrintRecord($line, $mode); }
close (INF);
} else {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 term1 [term2 ...]
-l[paz] List options: default is to print only current phone
p = phone#, a = address, z = all,
-L"label,label,label,..." = print these labeled columns (partial names OK)
eg: =L"Last,First,Note"
-a AND: All terms must match for the record to be printed (default)
-o OR: The record is printed if there is at least one matching term
-c Case sensitivity on (default: off)
-f Force work file update (default: off)
-H Print header line (default: off)
-dPATH The address pdb file to use.
-wPATH The work file to use.
exit 1;
exit 0;
# PrintRecordCols prints the specified columns of the specified record.
# Unfortunately the formatting is not too pretty right now
sub PrintRecordCols {
my ($line) = @_;
my ($i);
$line =~ s/\\n/\n/go;
@data = split(/\t/, $line);
for ($i=0; $i<$#data; $i++) {$data[$i] =~ s/\\t/\t/go;}
$whph = (ord($data[$labels{"Labels"}]) - ord('0')); # first digit
$whph = 0 if ($whph > 4 || $whph < 0);
$phndx = $whph + $labels{"Work"}; # should be first phone field
for ($i=0; $i<$#labelcolumn; $i++) {
printf "%s\t", $data[$labelcolumn[$i]] if ($labelcolumn[$i] > -1);
print "\n";
# PrintRecord prints the specified record using the labels and mode.
# Data field $labels{"Labels"} = 21 contains phone field labels in a
# packed format.
sub PrintRecord {
local ($line, $mode) = @_;
my ($i);
$line =~ s/\\n/\n/go;
@data = split(/\t/, $line);
for ($i=0; $i<$#data; $i++) {$data[$i] =~ s/\\t/\t/go;}
#$whph = (ord($data[$labels{"Labels"}]) - ord('0')); # first digit
#$whph = 0 if ($whph > 4 || $whph < 0);
#$whlbl = ord(substr($data[$labels{"Labels"}],$whph+1,1)) - ord('0');
#$phndx = $whph + $labels{"Work"}; # should be first phone field
## $phoneLabels[$whlbl] . ": " . $data[$whph + 3]
if ($mode eq 'd' || $mode eq 'p') {
$whph = (ord($data[$labels{"Labels"}]) - ord('0')); # first digit
$whph = 0 if ($whph > 4 || $whph < 0);
$phndx = $whph + $labels{"Work"}; # should be first phone field
printf (STDOUT "%-24s\t ",
($data[$labels{"Last name"}]
? $data[$labels{"Last name"}] . ", " .
$data[$labels{"First name"}]
: $data[$labels{"Company"}]));
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
$whlbl = ord(substr($data[$labels{"Labels"}],$i+1,1)) - ord('0');
printf (STDOUT "%s\t", substr($phoneLabels[$whlbl],0,1) . ":" . $data[$phndx+$i]) if ($data[$phndx+$i] ne "");
print (STDOUT "\n");
elsif ($mode eq 'a') {
printf (STDOUT "%-30s\t %s%s%s%s%s\n",
($data[$labels{"Last name"}] . ", " . $data[$labels{"First name"}]) .
($data[$labels{"Company"}] ? ", " . $data[$labels{"Company"}] : "") .
($data[$labels{"Title"}] ? ", " . $data[$labels{"Title"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"Address"}] ? ", " . $data[$labels{"Address"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"City"}] ? ", " . $data[$labels{"City"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"State"}] ? ", " . $data[$labels{"State"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"Zip Code"}] ? ", " . $data[$labels{"Zip Code"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"Country"}] ? ", " . $data[$labels{"Country"}] : "")
elsif ($mode eq 'z') {
print "----------------------\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$fieldNum; $i++) {
printf(STDOUT "%-15s: %s\n", $labels[$i], $data[$i])
if ($data[$i]);
#print "$line----------------\n";
} else {
die "$0: Invalid mode specification.";
# UpdateWorkbase parses the specified AddressDB file to a
# tab-delimited file specified by $wdb. The last field in each record
# contains the phone number field labels in a packed format.
sub UpdateWorkbase {
local ($adb,$wdb)=@_;
@foo = stat($adb);
open (ADB, "<" . $adb) ||
die "$0: Cannot find the AddressDB.pdb file\n";
if (-f $wdb) {
system("mv -f $wdb $wdb.bak");
open (WDB, ">" . $wdb) ||
die "$0: Cannot open the work data file $wdb\n";
read (ADB, $packedHeader, 78);
@fileHeader = unpack("a32 a28 a8 a8 S", $packedHeader);
$name = $fileHeader[0];
$typecrea = $fileHeader[2];
$numRecords = $fileHeader[4];
# if ($typecrea != "DATAaddr") die "$0: File $adb is not a suitable database\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$numRecords; $i++) { # read in record offsets
read ADB, $d, 8;
$offset[$i] = unpack ("N x4", $d);
# print (STDERR $offset[$i]);
$offset[$numRecords] = $foo[7]; # EOF location
read ADB, $d, 284; # skip all category stuff
# can be implemented later
for ($i=0; $i<$fieldNum; $i++) { # read in field labels
read ADB, $labels[$i], 16;
$idx = index($labels[$i], "\0");
$labels[$i] = substr($labels[$i], 0, $idx);
if ($labels[$i] eq "Note") {
$noteField = $i;
else {
print (WDB $labels[$i] . "\t");
$labels{$labels[$i]} = $i - ($noteField < 0 ? 0 : 1);
print (WDB "Labels\t$labels[$noteField]\n");
$labels{"Labels"} = $fieldNum;
$labels{"$labels[$noteField]"} = $noteField;
read ADB, $d, 4; # skip stuff
for ($i=0; $i<$numRecords; $i++) {
# the following seek command is commented out for speed
seek ADB, $offset[$i], 0;
read ADB, $d, 9;
@rawRec = unpack("C C C C C C C C C", $d);
$whichPh = ($rawRec[1] & 0xF0)>>4; # which phone nr is the default
$phLbl[4] = ($rawRec[1] & 0x0F);
$phLbl[3] = ($rawRec[2] & 0xF0)>>4;
$phLbl[2] = ($rawRec[2] & 0x0F);
$phLbl[1] = ($rawRec[3] & 0xF0)>>4;
$phLbl[0] = ($rawRec[3] & 0x0F);
$contents = ($rawRec[5] * (1 << 16))
+ ($rawRec[6] * (1 << 8)) + ($rawRec[7]);
read ADB, $d, ($offset[$i+1] - $offset[$i]) - 9;
$note = "";
for ($j=0; $j<$fieldNum; $j++) {
if ($contents & (1 << $j)) {
$idx = index($d, "\0");
$data[$j] = substr($d, 0, $idx);
$d = substr($d, length($data[$j])+1);
} else {
$data[$j] = "";
} #
$data[$j] =~ s/\r/, /go;
$data[$j] =~ s/\n/\\n/go;
$data[$j] =~ s/\t/\\t/go;
$data[$j] =~ s/\s$//og;
if ($j == $noteField) {
$note = $data[$j];
else {
print (WDB $data[$j] . "\t");
print (WDB join("",$whichPh,@phLbl));
$note = "\\n" . $note if ($note ne "");
print (WDB "\t$note$recordSep");
close (WDB);
close (ADB);
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