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"Doc" utility converter and Unix MailPack?


Has anyone been able to install/use the Unix MailPack program with their
pilot and their Sun mail?  I'd be interested to know how well it works.

Also, has anyone been able to compile the "makedoc" utility for the pilot "doc" 
reader program?

If not, I have attached the source, in case anyone wants to play with it.  I 
don't know how to compile this using the given tools on /usr/dist.

If you haven't used the "doc" utility (shareware), it allows compression of text 
into a .pdb which the utility can browse.  It allows you to then do silly things 
like load classic literature with small file sizes on your pilot.

I'm expecting the announcement of a Pilot / "great books" user group any day now 
;-) ;-).


 * Rick,
 * I made some more changes to fix another portability problem.  It seems
 * that SOME compilers will pad a structure to a DWORD boundary when you
 * use the sizeof operator.  In particular, for the Solaris compiler, the
 * 78 byte tDocHeader structure is reported as having 80 bytes.  This shifts
 * EVERYTHING by two bytes and wreaks havoc in the generated .prc file.
 * I fixed this (look at the comments in struct tDocHeader and the DOCHEADSZ
 * definition) in the two places it occurred.
 * I also fixed a spelling error in an error message.
 * I also changed the usage message to say this is version 0.7a (rather than
 * 0.6).
 * I also changed the return type of main() to be int and added various
 * calls to exit() as needed.  Needed for portability and correctness.
 * -- Harold Bamford
// MakeDoc
// version 0.7a
// Compresses text files into a format that is ready to export to a Pilot
// and work with Rick Bram's PilotDOC reader.
// Freeware
// ver 0.6   enforce 31 char limit on database names
// ver 0.7   change header and record0 to structs
// ver 0.7a  minor mispellings and portability issues

#ifdef sparc
#	ifndef UNIX
#	define UNIX 1
#	endif

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

//template<class A> A max(const A& a, const A& b) {return (a<b) ? b : a;}
#define max(a,b) ((a>b) ? a : b)

typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
#define DISP_BITS 11
#define COUNT_BITS 3

// all numbers in these structs are big-endian, MAC format
struct tDocHeader {
	char sName[32];		// 32 bytes
	DWORD dwUnknown1;	// 36
	DWORD dwTime1;		// 40
	DWORD dwTime2;		// 44
	DWORD dwTime3;		// 48
	DWORD dwLastSync;	// 52
	DWORD ofsSort;		// 56
	DWORD ofsCatagories;	// 60
	DWORD dwCreator;	// 64
	DWORD dwType;		// 68
	DWORD dwUnknown2;	// 72
	DWORD dwUnknown3;	// 76
	WORD  wNumRecs;		// 78

// Some compilers pad structures out to DWORD boundaries so using sizeof()
// doesn't give the intended result.
#define DOCHEADSZ 78

struct tDocRecord0 {
	WORD wVersion;		// 1=plain text, 2=compressed
	WORD wSpare;
	DWORD dwStoryLen;	// in bytes, when decompressed
	WORD wNumRecs; 		// text records only; equals tDocHeader.wNumRecs-1
	WORD wRecSize;		// usually 0x1000
	DWORD dwSpare2;

////////////// utilities //////////////////////////////////////

WORD SwapWord21(WORD r)
	return (r>>8) + (r<<8);
WORD SwapWord12(WORD r)
	return r;  
DWORD SwapLong4321(DWORD r)
	return  ((r>>24) & 0xFF) + (r<<24) + ((r>>8) & 0xFF00) + ((r<<8) & 0xFF0000);
DWORD SwapLong1234(DWORD r)
	return r;

WORD (*SwapWord)(WORD r) = NULL;
DWORD (*SwapLong)(DWORD r) = NULL;

// copy bytes into a word and double word and see how they fall,
// then choose the appropriate swappers to make things come out
// in the right order.
int SwapChoose()
  union { char b[2]; WORD w; } w;
  union { char b[4]; DWORD d; } d;

  strncpy(w.b, "\1\2", 2);
  strncpy(d.b, "\1\2\3\4", 4);

  if (w.w == 0x0201)
    SwapWord = SwapWord21;
  else if (w.w == 0x0102)
    SwapWord = SwapWord12;
    return 0;

  if (d.d == 0x04030201)
    SwapLong = SwapLong4321;
  else if (d.d == 0x01020304)
    SwapLong = SwapLong1234;
    return 0;
  return 1;

// replacement for strstr() which deals with 0's in the data
byte* memfind(byte* t, int t_len, byte* m, int m_len)
	int i;

	for (i = t_len - m_len + 1 ; i>0; i--, t++)
		if (t[0]==m[0] && memcmp(t,m,m_len)==0)
			return t;
	return 0;

/////////////////////                                  //////////////////////
/////////////////////      tBuf class                  //////////////////////
/////////////////////                                  //////////////////////

struct tBuf {
	byte* buf;
	unsigned len;

	tBuf() {buf = new byte[len = 6000];};
	~tBuf() {	if (buf) delete[] buf; }
	unsigned Len() const {	return len;	}

	unsigned RemoveBinary();
	unsigned Decompress();
	unsigned Compress();
	unsigned Issue(byte src, int& bSpace);
	unsigned DuplicateCR();
	void Clear() {delete[] buf; buf = new byte[len = 6000]; }
	void Dump() {printf("\nbuffer len=%d",len);}

// Issue()
// action: handle the details of writing a single
//		character to the compressed stream
tBuf::Issue(byte src, int& bSpace)
	int iDest = len;
	byte* dest = buf;

	// if there is an outstanding space char, see if
	// we can squeeze it in with an ASCII char
	if (bSpace)
		if (src>=0x40 && src<=0x7F)
			dest[iDest++] = src ^ 0x80;
			// couldn't squeeze it in, so issue the space char by itself
			// most chars go out simple, except the range 1...8,0x80...0xFF
			dest[iDest++] = ' ';
			if (src<0x80 && (src==0 || src>8) )
				dest[iDest++] = src;
				dest[iDest++] = 1, dest[iDest++] = src;
		// knock down the space flag
		bSpace = 0;
		// check for a space char
		if (src==' ')
			bSpace = 1;
			if (src<0x80 && (src==0 || src>8))
				dest[iDest++] = src;
				dest[iDest++] = 1, dest[iDest++] = src;

	len = iDest;
	return iDest;

// Compress
// params: 	none
// action:	takes the given buffer,
//					and compresses
//					the original data down into a second buffer
// comment:	This version make heavy use of walking pointers.
unsigned tBuf::Compress()
	int i,j;
	int bSpace = 0;

	// run through the input buffer
	byte* pBuffer;		// points to the input buffer
	byte* pHit;		// points to a walking test hit; works upwards on successive matches
	byte* pPrevHit;		// previous value of pHit
	byte* pTestHead;	// current test string
	byte* pTestTail;	// current walking pointer; one past the current test buffer
	byte* pEnd;		// 1 past the end of the input buffer

	pHit = pPrevHit = pTestHead = pBuffer = buf;
	pTestTail = pTestHead+1;
	pEnd = buf + len;
//printf("pointers %x %x",pTestTail, pEnd);
//printf("\nstart compression buf len=%d",len);

	// make a dest buffer and reassign the local buffer
	buf = new byte[6000];
	len = 0;		// used to walk through the output buffer

	// loop, absorbing one more char from the input buffer on each pass
	for (; pTestHead != pEnd; pTestTail++)
//printf("\npointers pTestHead %x pTestTail %x pTestHead[]=%x %x",pTestHead, pTestTail, pTestHead[0], pTestHead[1]);
		// establish where the scan can begin
		if (pTestHead - pPrevHit > ((1<<DISP_BITS)-1))
			pPrevHit = pTestHead - ((1<<DISP_BITS)-1);

		// scan in the previous data for a match
		pHit = memfind(pPrevHit, pTestTail - pPrevHit, pTestHead, pTestTail - pTestHead);

		if (pHit==0)
			printf("!! bug source %x%x%x, dest %x%x%x, %d bytes",	pPrevHit[0],
	pTestHead[1],	pTestHead[2],	pTestTail-pTestHead);

		// on a mismatch or end of buffer, issued codes
		if (pHit==0
			|| pHit==pTestHead
			|| pTestTail-pTestHead>(1<<COUNT_BITS)+2
			|| pTestTail==pEnd)
			// issued the codes
			// first, check for short runs
			if (pTestTail-pTestHead < 4)
//printf("\nissue a char %x",pTestHead[0]);
				Issue(pTestHead[0], bSpace);
			// for longer runs, issue a run-code
				// issue space char if required
				if (bSpace) buf[len++] = ' ', bSpace = 0;

				unsigned int dist = pTestHead - pPrevHit;
				unsigned int compound = (dist << COUNT_BITS) + pTestTail-pTestHead - 4;

if (dist>=(1<<DISP_BITS)) printf("\n!! error dist overflow");
if (pTestTail-pTestHead-4>7) printf("\n!! error dist overflow");

				buf[len++] = 0x80 + (compound>>8);
				buf[len++] = compound & 0xFF;
//printf("\nissuing code for sequence len %d <%c%c%c>",pTestTail-pTestHead-1,pTestHead[0],pTestHead[1],pTestHead[2]);
//printf("\n          <%x%x>",pOut[-2],pOut[-1]);
				// and start again
				pTestHead = pTestTail-1;
			// start the search again
			pPrevHit = pBuffer;
		// got a match
			pPrevHit = pHit;
//printf("pointers %x %x %x",pTestHead, pTestTail, pPrevHit);
		// when we get to the end of the buffer, don't inc past the end
		// this forces the residue chars out one at a time
		if (pTestTail==pEnd) pTestTail--;

	// clean up any dangling spaces
	if (bSpace) buf[len++] = ' ';

	// final scan to merge consecutive high chars together
	int k;
	for (i=k=0; i<len; i++,k++)
		buf[k] = buf[i];
		// skip the run-length codes
		if (buf[k]>=0x80 && buf[k]<0xC0)
			buf[++k] = buf[++i];
		// if we hit a high char marker, look ahead for another
		else if (buf[k]==1)
			buf[k+1] = buf[i+1];
			while (i+2<len && buf[i+2]==1 && buf[k]<8)
				buf[k+buf[k]] = buf[i+3];
			k += buf[k]; i++;

	// delete original buffer
	delete[] pBuffer;
	len = k;

	return k;

	params:	none

	action: make a new buffer
					run through the source data
					check the 4 cases:
						0,9...7F represent self
						1...8		escape n chars
						80...bf reference earlier run
						c0...ff	space+ASCII

	// we "know" that all decompresses fit within 4096, right?
	byte* pOut = new byte[6000];
	byte* in_buf = buf;
	byte* out_buf = pOut;

	int i,j;
	for (j=i=0; j<len; )
		unsigned int c;

		// take a char from the input buffer
		c = in_buf[j++];

		// separate the char into zones: 0, 1...8, 9...0x7F, 0x80...0xBF, 0xC0...0xFF

		// codes 1...8 mean copy that many bytes; for accented chars & binary
		if (c>0 && c<9)
			while(c--) out_buf[i++] = in_buf[j++];

		// codes 0, 9...0x7F represent themselves
		else if (c<0x80)
			out_buf[i++] = c;

		// codes 0xC0...0xFF represent "space + ascii char"
		else if (c>=0xC0)
				out_buf[i++] = ' ', out_buf[i++] = c ^ 0x80;

		// codes 0x80...0xBf represent sequences
			int m,n;
			c <<= 8;
			c += in_buf[j++];
			m = (c & 0x3FFF) >> COUNT_BITS;
			n = c & ((1<<COUNT_BITS) - 1);
			n += 3;
			while (n--)
				out_buf[i] = out_buf[i-m];
	delete[] buf;
	buf = pOut;
	len = i;

	return i;

unsigned tBuf::DuplicateCR()
	byte* pBuf = new byte[2*len];

	int k,j;
	for (j=k=0; j<len; j++, k++)
		pBuf[k] = buf[j];
		if (pBuf[k]==0x0A) pBuf[k++] = 0x0D, pBuf[k] = 0x0A;
	delete[] buf;
	buf = pBuf;
	len = k;
	return k;

void Decomp(char* src, char* dest, int bBinary)
	FILE* fin;
	FILE* fout;
	fin = fopen(src,"rb");

	if (fin==0)
		printf("problem opening source file %s", src);

	// just holds the first few bytes of the file
	byte buf[0x100];
	tDocHeader head;

	fread(&head, 1, DOCHEADSZ, fin);
	if (strncmp((char *)&head.dwType, "REAd", 4) != 0
	    || strncmp((char *)&head.dwCreator, "TEXt", 4) != 0)
	  //printf("file contains %.4s, %.4s", (char *)&head.dwCreator, (char *)&head.dwType);
		printf(".prc file is not the correct format");

	WORD bCompressed;
	DWORD dwPos;
	tDocRecord0 rec0;
	// point to start of index
	fseek(fin, 0x4E, SEEK_SET);
	// read the location of the first record
	fread(&dwPos, 4, 1, fin);
	dwPos = SwapLong(dwPos);
	fseek(fin, dwPos, SEEK_SET);
	fread(&rec0, sizeof(rec0), 1, fin);
	bCompressed = SwapWord(rec0.wVersion);
	if (bCompressed!=1 && bCompressed!=2)
		printf("\nWARNING: unknown file compression type:%d",bCompressed);

	fout = fopen(dest,"wb");
	if (fout==0)
		printf("problem opening output file %s",dest);

	DWORD dwLen;
	dwLen = ftell(fin);

	WORD nRecs;
	nRecs = SwapWord(head.wNumRecs) - 1;

	// this is the main record buffer
	// it knows how to stretch to accomodate the decompress
	tBuf t;

	DWORD dwRecLen;
	for (int i=0; i<nRecs; i++)
		// read the record offset
		fseek(fin, 0x56 + 8*i, SEEK_SET);
		fread(&dwPos, 4, 1, fin);
		dwPos = SwapLong(dwPos);

		// read start of next record
		fseek(fin, 0x5E + 8*i, SEEK_SET);
		fread(&dwRecLen, 4, 1, fin);
		dwRecLen = SwapLong(dwRecLen);

		// for the last, use the file len
		if (i==nRecs-1) dwRecLen = dwLen;

		dwRecLen -= dwPos;

		int n = fread(t.buf, 1, dwRecLen, fin);
		t.len = n;

		// check for CR insert
		if (!bBinary)
		printf("\rreconverting %s: record %d of %d",head.sName,i,nRecs);

		fwrite(t.buf, 1, t.Len(), fout);



// this nasty little beast removes really low ASCII and 0's
// and handles the CR problem
// if a cr appears before a lf, then remove the cr
// if a cr appears in isolation, change to a lf
unsigned tBuf::RemoveBinary()
	byte* in_buf = buf;
	byte* out_buf = new byte[len];

	int k,j;
	for (j=k=0; j<len; j++,k++)
		// copy each byte
		out_buf[k] = in_buf[j];

		// throw away really low ASCII
		if ((out_buf[k]>=0 && out_buf[k]<9)) k--;

		// for CR
		if (out_buf[k]==0x0D)
			// if next is LF, then drop it
			if (j<len-1 && in_buf[j+1]==0x0A)
			else // turn it into a LF
				out_buf[k] = 0x0A;
	delete[] buf;
	buf = out_buf;
	len = k;
	return k;

void out_word(short w, FILE* fout)
	short m = SwapWord(w);
void out_long(long d, FILE* fout)
	long d1 = SwapLong(d);

main(int argc, char** argv)
	printf("MakeDoc ver 0.7a\n");
	if (argc<4)
		printf("\nsyntax makedoc [-n] [-b] <text-file> <prc-file> <story-name>");
		printf("\n                 convert text files to .PRC format");
		printf("\n       makedoc -d [-b] <prc-file> <text-file>");
		printf("\n                 decodes the PRC back into the txt file");
		printf("\n       -n builds the .prc file without compression");
		printf("\n       -b option compresses/decompresses binary");
#if UNIX

	int iArg = 1;
	int bDecomp = 0;
	int bBinary = 0;
	int bReport = 0;
	int bCompress = 1;

	if ( ! SwapChoose()) {
	  printf("\nfailed to select proper byte swapping algorithm");
#if UNIX

	while (argv[iArg][0]=='-' || argv[iArg][0]=='\\')
		if (argv[iArg][1]=='d')
			bDecomp = 1;
		if (argv[iArg][1]=='b')
			bBinary = 1;
		if (argv[iArg][1]=='r')
			bReport = 1;
		if (argv[iArg][1]=='n')
			bCompress = 0;

	if (bDecomp)
		Decomp(argv[iArg], argv[iArg+1], bBinary);

		FILE* fin;
		FILE* fout;
		tDocHeader head1;

		fin = fopen(argv[iArg],"rb");
		fout = fopen(argv[iArg+1],"wb");
		if (fin==0 || fout==0)
			printf("problem opening files");

		DWORD storySize = ftell(fin);

		DWORD	x;
		WORD w;
		long	recSize = 4096;
		DWORD		z,numRecs;

		head1.sName[31] = 0;
		printf("saving to %s as <%s>,%s%s compressed",argv[iArg+1],argv[iArg+2],
				bBinary ? " binary mode," : "",
				bCompress ? "" : " not");

			/*LocalWrite just writes to the new file the number of bytes starting at the passed pointer*/

		head1.dwUnknown1 = 0;
		strncpy((char *)&head1.dwTime1, "\x06\xD1\x44\xAE", 4);
		strncpy((char *)&head1.dwTime2, "\x06\xD1\x44\xAE", 4);
		head1.dwTime3 = 0;
		head1.dwLastSync = 0;
		head1.ofsSort = 0;
		head1.ofsCatagories = 0;
		strncpy((char *)&head1.dwCreator, "TEXt", 4);	// database creator
	        strncpy((char *)&head1.dwType, "REAd", 4);	// database type
		head1.dwUnknown2 = 0;
		head1.dwUnknown3 = 0;

		z = (int) (storySize/(long) recSize);
		if (((long) z * recSize) < storySize)
			z ++;

		numRecs = z;
		z ++;

		head1.wNumRecs = SwapWord(z);		//  the number of records to follow
		unsigned long index;
		index = 0x406F8000;		// the pattern for attributes=dirty + unique_id=0x6f8000
		x = 0x50L + (long) z * 8;

		out_long(x,fout);		// start writing the record offsets
		x += 0x0010L;


		while(z--) {
			out_long(x,fout);		//more record offsets
			out_long(index++,fout);		// the attributes + ID's
			x += 0x1000L;
		// one more word.....

		tDocRecord0 rec0;
		rec0.wVersion = SwapWord(bCompress ? 2 : 1);
		rec0.wSpare = 0;
		rec0.dwStoryLen = SwapLong(storySize);
		rec0.wNumRecs = SwapWord(SwapWord(head1.wNumRecs) - 1);
		rec0.wRecSize = SwapWord(recSize);
		rec0.dwSpare2 = 0;


		int n = recSize;
		// dump the whole story into the new file
		int recNum = 0;

		tBuf buf;

		while(recNum < numRecs)
			long pos;
			pos = ftell(fout);
			fseek(fout, 0x56 + 8*recNum, SEEK_SET);
			if (recNum!=numRecs) out_long(pos,fout);
			fseek(fout, pos, SEEK_SET);

			int nOrg;

			nOrg = n = fread(buf.buf,1,4096,fin);
			buf.len = n;
			if (n==0) break;

			if (!bBinary)
			if (bCompress)
			n = fwrite(buf.buf,1,buf.Len(),fout);

			printf("\rconverting record %d of %d",recNum+1,numRecs);
			if (bReport && n && bCompress)
				printf("\noriginal %d bytes, compressed to %d bytes, ratio: %f5.1\n",
					nOrg, n, 100. * n / nOrg);


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