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[PilotMgr] writing categories to ToDoDB

OK, I only know of three conduits between the pilot's ToDoDB and
pilot-manager: mine (still in alpha), Derek Pizzaagoni's SyncToDo, and
Norman Walsh's SyncXMLTB.  I have been over my code again and again.
I don't know why it corrupts the categories whenever it writes to the
pilot's ToDoDB appinfo block.  However, Derek told me in a personal
mail that his conduit does the same thing.  He could never figure it
out so he made his desktop client so that it couldn't ever change the
category names.  I have personally tested SyncXmlTD and it behaves the
same way.  If any of the conduits try to write category names to the
ToDoDB's appinfo block it get's corrupted.  I don't know what else to
say other than this must be a bug in PDA::Pilot::ToDo.  I'm running
Palm OS 3.5 on a Palm Vx.  Can anyone update the category list for the
todo from their desktop and sync to a similar palm?

BTW, I've put another version of my conduit up.  It has some
improvements in writing the todo items to the .todo-do file (thanks to
some suggestions from Stacey Marshall).  I'm up to version 0.004.


 (__) Doug Alcorn (mailto:doug@xxxxxxxxx http://www.lathi.net)
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