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Re: [PilotMgr] SyncCM conduit oddities

Thanks for this head's up, Marty.

Nobody has responded to what I consider to be the larger problem, though:
+ I synced a repeating appt with "Palm overwrites desktop", and I wound
  up with dtcm showing a series of one-time appointments, one per week,
  with the 'Change' button disabled on all of them.

I'd appreciate any tips or help.


> Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 09:39:17 -0700
> From: hess@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Marty Hess)
> To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxx, Robert.Doolittle@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [PilotMgr] SyncCM conduit oddities
> Sun-Proprietary-Confidential: Internal Use Only
> > [...]  I was having odd problems where I
> > would have one appointment in my dtcm view but then after doing a full
> > sync I'd have two in dtcm or two on my Palm.
> [...]
>   Sorry all, but I've been remiss in my (semi-?)annual posting of this
>   note about how you can unknowingly create duplicate appointments on
>   Pilots.  (I've been meaning to check if this still happens on my new
>   IIIxe & more recent PalmOS, but haven't had a chance.  And since I've
>   trained myself NOT to do this, it's hard for me to do it intentionally
>   now just to test if it's been "fixed." 8-)
> 							Marty
> P.S./FYI: I _still_ haven't had a duplicate app't since I "trained"
> myself to either 1) only change repeating appt's on my desktop, or
> 2) only change them at their first occurance on the Pilot....
> ----- Begin Included Message -----
> From hess Fri Oct 24 13:07:38 1997
> To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Arthur.Coleman@Eng
> Subject: Re: new SyncCM calander names...???
> >From owner-pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fri Oct 24 12:05 PDT 1997
> >Subject: Re: new SyncCM calander names...???
> >To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Cc: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ...
> > 2. WIth sync-cm, I am finding that certain calendar events are duplicating 
> > I copy between the Pilot and CM (on-going weekly commitments).  This is true 
> > even when I change to have the Pilot overwrite my existing calendar (which 
> > that the old appointment should be gone totally - so only 1 copy should 
> > 
> > Is this occurring because when I delete, I save an archive to the PC?
> > 
> > How do I stop this from happening and still stay in merge bidirectional mode 
> > and pilot merge into each other's files)
> > 
> > Arthur
>   Welcome to the Pilot's redefintion of the term "All".  (I just recently
>   determined the source of my similar past problems with this.)
>   If you modify an existing repeating app't on the Pilot it splits that
>   app't into two different appt's, with the split occuring on the date
>   in the repeating series that you changed.  And yes this happens even
>   when you select "All" in the "Apply to" popup!
>   The fact is -- and I think that this is a bug, but owners of the "old"
>   Pilots tell me it was that way there, too -- that the Pilot equates "All"
>   with what is presented as the "Forward" selection in CM.
>   So if you edit a future date in a repeating series on your Pilot and feed
>   only one way to CM (which is NOT in fact a complete overwrite of CM's
>   calendar) you end up with multiple, slightly different instances of that
>   app't.  (One for each change that you made to the repeating series.)
>   The solution is to only edit repeating series at their source, or in the
>   past.  (That way you'd never see or care about the duplicates.)  In my
>   case I've narrowed the date range and I now edit them back at the start
>   of the previous month.  (The start of my date range.)
>   I haven't had a duplicate app't since I discovered this and started
>   applying changes only to the first entry in the repeating series.  (Just
>   since 10/9.)  Also since then I've been merging both ways successfully as
>   well.
>   Now if someone would please write a HackMaster hack to change the button
>   label on the Pilot popup from "All" to "Forward" I'd be sure to never
>   forget again! 8-)
>   								Marty
>   P.S. All this is easy enough to verify without harming your calendar, BTW.
>   Just create a new, bogus repeating app't on your Pilot, then edit it a few
>   instances out.  (Change something obvious, like the alarm notification time
>   + 10.)  Then go back and compare what you find is now the app't definition
>   before and after that change date on the calendar.  (Don't forget to delete
>   all the split-up bogus app'ts before you resync!)
>   Also note that "Delete" does delete "All" as do some other actions that
>   redefine the entire series, and that once split, they are truly two
>   distinct appt's and that even "Delete" won't delete both app'ts created
>   from such a split.
> ----- End Included Message -----

Bob Doolittle                           Sun Microsystems Computer Corp
Sun Microsystems Computer Corp          Phone:     (650) 614-6506       
901 San Antonio Road, MS MPK07-202      Fax:       (650) 470-2101     
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900                E-mail:    rad@xxxxxxxxxxx    

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