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Re: [PilotMgr] Problem restoring from backup

On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 05:36:16PM -0700, Bob Doolittle wrote:
> Hi,
> My battery died and I need to restore my last backup.
> I assume the right way to do this is via the Installer Conduit?

> When I configure Installer, I click "Add" on the "Databases to be Installed"
> widget, I set the directory to ~/.pilotmgr/Backup/LatestArchive, I click
> "Accept All", and it spews a bunch of "Error copying xyz to Installer (No
> such file or directory)" messages to the console.  If I do ls -l on the
> files they are there, however (thank goodness! :-).
You probably have filenames containing spaces. Rename them to something
not containing special characters (the UNIX filename does not matter for
the pilot databases, because the Pilot-filename is contained in the file
itself). Then run installer again.

Hope that helps.
Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  email:  schlatterbeck@xxxxxxxxxx
TTTech Computertechnik GmbH             www:    http://www.tttech.com/
Schönbrunnerstraße 7                    Phone:  +43/1/5853434-0
A-1040 Vienna, Austria                  Fax:    +43/1/5853434-90
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