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Re: [PilotMgr] How to savely change range in SyncCM


Thanks for the answer. 

No, I actually do not want to delete any appointments in the Palm (or on
the Sun).  I would like to keep them, just shorten the period which is
being updated.

Would that work?



-> X-Unix-From: stacey.marshall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Thu Feb 24 13:15:27 2000
-> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 12:15:07 +0000 (GMT)
-> From: Stacey Marshall <stacey.marshall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-> Subject: Re: [PilotMgr] How to savely change range in SyncCM
-> To: Christian.Peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
-> Cc: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-> MIME-Version: 1.0
-> Content-MD5: ED8iEhuCKMMhe98of05zrA==
-> Christian,
-> I do believe that SyncCM will cope with this.  It depends what you mean by 
-> "screw up".  As you wish to change the start date  I assume you want SyncCM 
-> remove appointments from the Pilot before that date.
-> I recently changed my dates from -06/00/01, +06/00/01 to -06/00/00,
-> +06/00/01.  Which incidently you might want to do instead of using
-> fixed dates.  SyncCM then asks during the next sync:
-> 	    PilotMgr::askUser("Your Desktop calendar shrunk " .
-> 			      "significantly since your last sync (" .
-> 			      "perhaps you changed the date range or " .
-> 			      "switched calendars)\n" .
-> 			      "If you continue, appoints may be deleted " .
-> 			      "from your Pilot Datebook " .
-> 			      "so that they are in sync.  Is " .
-> 			      "this what you want?\n", 
-> 			      "Yes", "No", "What can I do?");
-> But, if your concerned for your data then insure that the Backup conduit is 
-> first to run and that it is backing up datebookDB (and datebk3DB if using 
-> datebook 3).
-> Stacey
-> > Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 07:09:11 +0100 (MET)
-> > From: Christian Peter - Sun Switzerland Zurich - Enterprise Services 
-> <Christian.Peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-> > Subject: [PilotMgr] How to savely change range in SyncCM
-> > To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-> > Cc: cpeter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-> > MIME-Version: 1.0
-> > Content-MD5: ZOBmI3ORVv6cXozB/3MalA==
-> > 
-> > Hello
-> > 
-> > When I installed and configured SyncCM on my workstation I entered
-> > 1/1/98 to 1/1/2001 as the sync range for dates.  I wanted to be sure I
-> > got the 'old' appointments too (makes it easier when searching!).
-> > 
-> > Is there a way to *SAVELY* change it to 1/1/2000 to 1/1/2001?  I do
-> > *neither* want to screw up my calendar on the Sun nor on the Palm.
-> > 
-> > Any advice, help and pointers are welcome.
-> > 
-> > Thanks and regards
-> > Christian Peter
-> > Manager Mission Critical Support
-> > Sun Microsystems Switzerland
-> > 
-> > phone	: 	+41-1-908 91 49
-> > fax  	: 	+41-1-908 99 01
-> > email	: 	cpeter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
-> > WWW	:	http://uluru.swiss.sun.com (from within Sun 
-> > 
-> > 
-> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-> Stacey Marshall ~ Sustaining Engineer.   S    E-mail : Staceym@xxxxxxxxxx
-> SUN Microsystems Limited                 U    Ext    : 26106
-> Bagshot Manor, Green lane, Bagshot       N    Tel    : +44 (0)1276-455106
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