This is happening quite a lot lately, I wonder if it is a late Y2K issue...
Some things to try include:
+ Reducing the date range in SyncCM to reduce the amount of data it has to sync
+ Make sure nothing else is actively doing anything on your machine (I even don't press any keys as these can cause an interrupt)
+ Run PilotManager -syncwith SyncCM on the command line, which seems to work most of the time for me...
The root cause needs to be tracked down at some stage, and resolved.
I would give it a try, but I don't have much time to play... It will
probably be something to do with the calendar manager server and the perl
program, rather than an issue with the pilot, as it dies when trying to
load the calendar...
Hope this helps,
Louis Ventimiglia wrote:
While running SyncCM: Loading Pilot Datebook [full sync], I get the following
dump. If anyone know what this my be or how to fix is, please give me a call or
outline fix via email.Thanks,
x36526Caught a SIGSEGV at /usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/PDA/
line 334
$ =
40)', '^H^^^J^^M-?>lM-F^J') called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/PDA/' line 162
$ = PDA::Pilot::Record::new('PDA::Pilot::AppointmentRecord',
'^H^^^J^^M-?>lM-F^J', 3035143, 192, 0, 81) called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/PDA/' line 507
$ = PDA::Pilot::AppointmentDatabase::record('PDA::Pilot::AppointmentDatabase',
'^H^^^J^^M-?>lM-F^J', 3035143, 192, 0, 81) called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/SyncCM/' line 149
$ = SyncCM::pilot::loadAppointments('PDA::Pilot::DLP::DBPtr=SCALAR(0x4affec)')
called from file `/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/' line 1393
$ = SyncCM::loadDatabases('SCALAR(0x6a0050)', 'HASH(0xa9308c)',
'PDA::Pilot::DLPPtr=SCALAR(0x7ab134)', 'SCALAR(0x6a0068)', 'SCALAR(0x6a0080)',
934132447, 998846047) called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/' line 922
$ = eval {...} called from file `/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/'
line 921
$ = SyncCM::conduitSync('SyncCM', 'PDA::Pilot::DLPPtr=SCALAR(0x7ab134)',
'HASH(0xa9308c)') called from file `/usr/dist/local/exe/pilotmanager' line 2254
$ = eval {...} called from file `/usr/dist/local/exe/pilotmanager' line 2252
$ = PilotMgr::hotSync called from file `/usr/dist/local/exe/pilotmanager' line
$ = eval {...} called from file `/usr/dist/local/exe/pilotmanager' line 1242
$ = PilotMgr::buttonChoice('HotSync') called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/pilotmanager' line 353
$ = PilotMgr::__ANON__ called from file `(eval 52)' line 1
$ = TkUtils::__ANON__() called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/Tk/' line 103
$ = eval {...} called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/../pkgs/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/Tk/' line 103
$ = Tk::Button::butUp('Tk::Button=HASH(0xa09ab4)') called from file
`/usr/dist/local/exe/pilotmanager' line 2722
$ = eval {...} called from file `/usr/dist/local/exe/pilotmanager' line 2722[1] Abort pilotmanager (core dumped)
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