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[PilotMgr] Version of SyncAB with support for Sync'ing BBDB


I am enclosing a modified copy of SyncAB.pm which includes support for BBDB. It
sync data both ways and updates the BBDB with the records from the AB on
Palm. I've tried it with a few things and it looks fine, but I'd love to hear
from you folks about any problems, suggestions for improvements etc. Please
remember to back up both the BBDB and Palm AB before trying out this stuff.

One potential improvement is to store the actual category name instead of the
category id in the BBDB field. I'm working on a fix for this. I also have to
write code to update the AppInfo with any new Categories created in BBDB that
maybe missing from the Palm.

Supported BBDB file versions are 2 and 3.

For safety's sake, I've called BBDB's file as ".bbdb.sync". You can rename
configure it to use ".bbdb", if you wish. 


P.S: SyncAB version 0.96p1 was used as the base version to modify.
package SyncAB;
# Address Book conduit for PilotManager
# 3/17/98,1/8/99 Alan.Harder@xxxxxxx
# http://www.moshpit.org/pilotmgr
# Some assistance with vCard testing and
# coding from Steve.Swales@xxxxxxx
# BBDB support added by Dinesh G Dutt (ddutt@xxxxxxxxx). Code for parsing 
# BBDB borrowed from Seth Golub's BBDB parser (seth@xxxxxxxxxxxx).
use PilotSync;
use Tk;
use TkUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;

my $VERSION = '0.96 BETAp1';
my ($gConfigDialog, $gFileLabel, $gFileEntry);
my %gEntryMap = ( 'lastname' => 0,
                  'firstname' => 1,
                  'company' => 2,
                  'phone1' => 3,
                  'phone2' => 4,
                  'phone3' => 5,
                  'phone4' => 6,
                  'phone5' => 7,
                  'address' => 8,
                  'city' => 9,
                  'state' => 10,
                  'zip' => 11,
                  'country' => 12,
                  'title' => 13,
                  'custom1' => 14,
                  'custom2' => 15,
                  'custom3' => 16,
                  'custom4' => 17,
                  'note' => 18,
                  'whichphone' => 'showPhone',
                  'phonetypes' => 'phoneLabel',
                  'category' => 'category',
                  'rolo_id' => 'rolo_id',
                  'updatetop' => 'updatetop',
                  'private' => 'secret',
                  'fullname' => 'fullname',     # only for vcards
my @gCSVorder = ( 'rolo_id', 'lastname', 'firstname', 'company',
                  'phone1', 'phone2', 'phone3', 'phone4', 'phone5',
                  'address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country', 'title',
                  'custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3', 'custom4', 'note',
                  'whichphone', 'phonetypes', 'category', 'private' );
my @gPhoneTypes = ( ['WORK', 0],        # Work
                    ['HOME', 1],        # Home
                    ['FAX', 2],         # Fax
                    ['PREF', 5],        # Main
                    ['PAGER', 6],       # Page
                    ['CELL', 7],        # Mobile
                    ['INTERNET', 4],    # (Email)
my $PhoneInvLabels = {
    'work'    => 0,
    'home'    => 1,
    'fax'     => 2,
    'other'   => 3,
    'email'   => 4,
    'main'    => 5,
    'pager'   => 6,
    'mobile'  => 7

my @PhoneLabels = ("work", "home", "fax", "other", "email", "main", "pager", "mobile");

my @userFields = ("custom1", "custom2", "custom3", "custom4", "category", "recordId", "showPhone", 
                  "work", "home", "fax", "other", "main", "pager", "mobile");

my $BbdbFileVersion = 3;

sub conduitInit
    $RCFILE = "SyncAB/SyncAB.prefs";
    $APPINFO_FILE = "SyncAB/pilot.appinfo";

    $PREFS->{'syncType'} = 'CSV'
        unless (defined $PREFS->{'syncType'});
    $PREFS->{'CSVFile'} = "$ENV{HOME}/.csvAddr"
        unless (defined $PREFS->{'CSVFile'});
    $PREFS->{'vCardFile'} = "$ENV{HOME}/.vCards"
        unless (defined $PREFS->{'vCardFile'});
    $PREFS->{'vCardDir'} = "$ENV{HOME}/.dt/Addresses"
        unless (defined $PREFS->{'vCardDir'});
    $PREFS->{'RoloFile'} = "$ENV{HOME}/.rolo"
        unless (defined $PREFS->{'RoloFile'});
    $PREFS->{'BbdbFile'} = "$ENV{HOME}/.bbdb.sync"
        unless (defined $PREFS->{'BbdbFile'});

sub conduitQuit

sub conduitInfo
    return { 'database' =>
                    'name' => 'AddressDB',
                    'creator' => 'addr',
                    'type' => 'DATA',
                    'flags' => 0,
                    'version' => 0,
             'version' => $VERSION,
             'author' => 'Alan Harder',
             'email' => 'Alan.Harder@xxxxxxx' };

sub conduitConfigure
    my ($this, $wm) = @_;
    my ($frame, $obj, $subfr, @objs);

    unless (defined $gConfigDialog and $gConfigDialog->Exists)
        $gConfigDialog = $wm->Toplevel(-title => "Configuring SyncAB");
        $frame = $gConfigDialog->Frame(-relief => 'ridge', -bd => 2);

        $frame->Label(-text =>
                        "SyncAB v$VERSION\n" . &conduitInfo->{'email'})->pack;

        $subfr = $frame->Frame;
        @objs = TkUtils::Radiobuttons($subfr, \$PREFS->{'syncType'},
                                      'CSV', 'vCard single file',
                                      'vCard one per file', 'Rolo', 'BBDB');
        $objs[0]->configure(-command => sub{
            $gFileLabel = 'CSV file:';
            $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'CSVFile'});
        $objs[1]->configure(-command => sub{
            $gFileLabel = 'vCard file:';
            $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'vCardFile'});
        $objs[2]->configure(-command => sub{
            $gFileLabel = 'vCard dir:';
            $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'vCardDir'});
        $objs[3]->configure(-command => sub{
            $gFileLabel = 'Rolo file:';
            $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'RoloFile'});
        $objs[0]->configure(-command => sub{
            $gFileLabel = 'BBDB:';
            $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'BbdbFile'});
        $subfr->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 1);

        $subfr = $frame->Frame;
        $obj = $subfr->Label(-textvariable => \$gFileLabel, -width => 10);
        $obj->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'e');

        $gFileEntry = $subfr->Entry(-relief => 'sunken', -width => 40);
        $gFileEntry->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 1);
        $subfr->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 1);

        $obj = TkUtils::Button($frame, 'Dismiss',
                               sub{ $gConfigDialog->withdraw });

        $frame->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 1, -anchor => 'n');

    if ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'Rolo')
        $gFileLabel = 'Rolo file:';
        $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'RoloFile'});
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'CSV')
        $gFileLabel = 'CSV file:';
        $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'CSVFile'});
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'vCard single file')
        $gFileLabel = 'vCard file:';
        $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'vCardFile'});
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'vCard one per file')
        $gFileLabel = 'vCard dir:';
        $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'vCardDir'});
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'BBDB') {
      $gFileLabel = 'BBDB:';
      $gFileEntry->configure(-textvariable => \$PREFS->{'BbdbFile'});

    $gConfigDialog->Popup(-popanchor => 'c', -overanchor => 'c',
                          -popover => $wm);

sub conduitSync
    my ($this, $dlp, $info) = @_;
    my ($idField, $file, $reader, $writer);

    if (!exists $PREFS->{'lastSyncType'} or
        $PREFS->{'syncType'} ne $PREFS->{'lastSyncType'})
        # Full reset if changing sync type
        rename "SyncAB/addr.db", "SyncAB/addr.db.bak";

    $idField = 'rolo_id';
    if ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'Rolo')
        $file = $PREFS->{'RoloFile'};
        $reader = \&readRolo;
        $writer = \&writeRolo;
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'CSV')
        $file = $PREFS->{'CSVFile'};
        $reader = \&readCSV;
        $writer = \&writeCSV;
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'vCard one per file')
        $file = $PREFS->{'vCardDir'};
        $reader = \&readVCardsMultipleFiles;
        $writer = \&writeVCardsMultipleFiles;
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'vCard single file')
        $file = $PREFS->{'vCardFile'};
        $reader = \&readVCardsOneFile;
        $writer = \&writeVCardsOneFile;
    elsif ($PREFS->{'syncType'} eq 'BBDB')
        $file = $PREFS->{'BbdbFile'};
        $reader = \&readBbdb;
        $writer = \&writeBbdb;
            "SyncAB does not yet support type $PREFS->{'syncType'}\n");

    $CANCEL = 0;

    PilotSync::doSync(  $dlp,
                        ['entry', 'phoneLabel', 'showPhone',
                         'category', 'secret'],
                        ['categoryName', 'phoneLabel', 'label'],
                        undef, undef, \$CANCEL);

    $PREFS->{'lastSyncType'} = $PREFS->{'syncType'} unless ($CANCEL);

sub conduitCancel
    $CANCEL = 'SyncAB Cancelled!';

sub loadPrefs
    $PREFS = {}, return unless (-r "$RCFILE");
    use vars qw($PREFS);
    do "$RCFILE";

sub savePrefs
    $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
    $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
    $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;

    if (open(FD, ">$RCFILE"))
        print FD Data::Dumper->Dumpxs([$PREFS], ['PREFS']), "1;\n";
        close FD;
        PilotMgr::msg("Unable to save preferences to $RCFILE!");

sub newRoloId
    my ($db) = @_;

    return $db->{'NEXT_ID'}++;

sub titleString
    my ($rec) = @_;
    my ($str, $str2) = ('');

    $str2 = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'firstname'}];
    $str = $str2 if (&isgood($str2));

    $str2 = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'lastname'}];
    if (&isgood($str2))
        $str .= ' ' if (length $str);
        $str .= $str2;
    return $str if (length $str);

    $str2 = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'company'}];
    return $str2 if (&isgood($str2));

    return '-Unnamed-';

sub readAppInfoFile
    # AppInfo file used by Rolo and CSV formats
    my ($ai, $s) =
        ({ 'categoryName' => [], 'label' => [], 'phoneLabel' => [] });

    open(FD, "<$APPINFO_FILE") or return $ai;
    scalar(<FD>);       # read off comment line

    foreach (1..16)
        chomp($s = <FD>);
        push(@{$ai->{'categoryName'}}, $s);
    foreach (1..22)
        chomp($s = <FD>);
        push(@{$ai->{'label'}}, $s);
    foreach (1..8)
        chomp($s = <FD>);
        push(@{$ai->{'phoneLabel'}}, $s);

    return $ai;

sub writeAppInfoFile
    my ($ai) = @_;

    open(FD, ">$APPINFO_FILE") or return;
    print FD <<EOW;
WARNING- If you edit this file it will modify your pilot on the next sync!

    foreach $_ (@{$ai->{'categoryName'}},
        print FD "$_\n";


sub readRolo
    my ($ROLOFILE) = @_;
    my ($db, $rec) = ({ 'nonPilot' => [],
                        'isPilot' => [],
                        '__RECORDS' => [],
                        'NEXT_ID' => 0

    $db->{'__APPINFO'} = &readAppInfoFile;
    open(FD, "<$ROLOFILE") || return $db;

    while (<FD>)
        $rec = { 'topsect' => '' };

        while ($_ !~ /^\*PILOT\*$/ && $_ !~ /^\014/)
            $rec->{'topsect'} .= $_;
            $_ = <FD>;

        if ( /^\014/ )
            push(@{$db->{'isPilot'}}, -1);
            push(@{$db->{'nonPilot'}}, $rec);

        $rec->{'entry'} = [];
        $rec->{'entry'}->[18] = undef;  # ensure right array length
        $rec->{'phoneLabel'} = [0,1,2,3,4];
        $rec->{'showPhone'} = 0;

        for ($_ = <FD>; $_ !~ /^\014/; $_ = <FD>)
            if ($_ =~ /^([^:]*): ?(.*)$/)
                $field = $1;
                $value = $2;
                $field =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
                $value =~ s/\\n/\n/g;   # translate newlines

                unless (defined $gEntryMap{$field})
                    print "skipping bad field '$field' in rolo record.\n";
                $field = $gEntryMap{$field};

                if ($field =~ /^\d+$/)
                    $rec->{'entry'}->[$field] = $value;
                elsif ($field eq 'phoneLabel')
                    $rec->{$field} = [split(/ /, $value)];
                    $rec->{$field} = $value;
        # 'secret' field value must be 1 or ''
        $rec->{'secret'} = (exists $rec->{'secret'} and $rec->{'secret'})?1:'';
        push(@{$db->{'isPilot'}}, $rec->{'rolo_id'});
        push(@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}, $rec);
        $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}};

        $db->{'NEXT_ID'} = $rec->{'rolo_id'} + 1
            if ($rec->{'rolo_id'} >= $db->{'NEXT_ID'});
    return $db;

sub writeRolo
    my ($ROLOFILE, $db) = @_;
    my ($rec, $which);

    unless (open(FD, ">$ROLOFILE"))
        PilotMgr::msg("Unable to write to $ROLOFILE.  Help!");

    foreach $which (@{$db->{'isPilot'}})
        if ($which < 0)
            # non-pilot rec
            $rec = shift @{$db->{'nonPilot'}};
            print FD $rec->{'topsect'}, "\014\n";

        next unless (defined $db->{'__RECORDS'}->[0] &&
                     $which eq $db->{'__RECORDS'}->[0]->{'rolo_id'});
        $rec->{'topsect'} = &makeTopSect($rec, $db->{'__APPINFO'})
            unless exists $rec->{'topsect'};
        &writeRec(FD, shift @{$db->{'__RECORDS'}});

    while (defined ($rec = shift @{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}))
        $rec->{'topsect'} = &makeTopSect($rec, $db->{'__APPINFO'})
            unless exists $rec->{'topsect'};
        &writeRec(FD, $rec);


sub writeRec
    my ($fd, $rec) = @_;
    my ($key, $val);

    print $fd $rec->{'topsect'} if defined ($rec->{'topsect'});
    print $fd "*PILOT*\n";
    foreach $key (keys %gEntryMap)
        $val = $gEntryMap{$key};
        if ($val =~ /^\d+$/)
            next unless (defined ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$val]));
            $val =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # translate newlines
            print $fd "$key: $val\n";
            # shouldn't be any newlines to translate down here..
            next unless (defined ($val = $rec->{$val}));
            # for phoneLabel field:
            $val = join(' ', @$val) if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY');
            print $fd "$key: $val\n";
    print $fd "\014\n";

sub isgood
    return (defined $_[0] and length($_[0]) > 0);

sub makeTopSect
    my ($rec, $ai) = @_;
    my ($topsect, $boo, $val, $val2, $i, @phonetypes) = ("", 0);

    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'lastname'} ];
    $val2 = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'firstname'} ];
    $i = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'company'} ];
    if (&isgood($val))
        $topsect .= "$val2 " if (&isgood($val2));
        $topsect .= $val;
    elsif (&isgood($val2))
        $topsect .= $val2;
    elsif (&isgood($i))
        $topsect .= $i;
        $boo = 1;

    $topsect .= "\n";
    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'title'} ];
    $topsect .= $val . "\n" if (&isgood($val));
    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'company'} ];
    $topsect .= $val . "\n" if (!$boo and &isgood($val));
    $topsect .= "\n";

    $val = $rec->{ $gEntryMap{'phonetypes'} };
    @phonetypes = @$val if (defined $val and ref($val) eq 'ARRAY');

    foreach $i (1..5)
        $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{"phone$i"} ];
        if (&isgood($val))
            $topsect .= @phonetypes ? $ai->{'phoneLabel'}->[$phonetypes[$i-1]]
                                    : "phone$i";
            $topsect .= ": $val\n";
    $topsect .= "\n";

    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'address'} ];
    $topsect .= $val . "\n" if (&isgood($val));
    $boo = 0;
    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'city'} ];
    if (&isgood($val))
        $topsect .= $val;
        $boo = 1;
    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'state'} ];
    if (&isgood($val))
        $topsect .= ", " if ($boo);
        $boo = 0;
        $topsect .= "$val  ";
    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'zip'} ];
    if (&isgood($val))
        $topsect .= ', ' if ($boo);
        $topsect .= $val;
    $topsect .= "\n";
    $boo = 0;
    foreach $i (1..4)
        $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{"custom$i"} ];
        if (&isgood($val))
            $topsect .= $ai->{'label'}->[$i+13] . ": $val\n";
    $topsect .= "\n" if ($boo);

    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[ $gEntryMap{'note'} ];
    $topsect .= $val . "\n" if (&isgood($val));

    return $topsect;

sub readCSV
    my ($CSVFILE) = @_;
    my ($max_id, $db) = (-1, { '__RECORDS' => [] , 'NEXT_ID' => 0 });
    my ($rec, $key, $fld, $val);

    $db->{'__APPINFO'} = &readAppInfoFile;
    unless (open(FD, "<$CSVFILE"))
        # Don't do a sync if master data file exists (then we'll end up
        # deleting all records!)
        if (-f "SyncAB/addr.db")
                "**ERROR: Unable to open $CSVFILE.  Aborting SyncAB!");
        return $db;

    while (<FD>)
        $rec = { 'entry' => [],
                 'showPhone' => 0,
                 'phoneLabel' => [0,1,2,3,4] };
        $rec->{'entry'}->[18] = undef;  # ensure right array length

        foreach $key (@gCSVorder)
            $fld = $gEntryMap{$key};
            ($val, $_) = &popCSV($_);
            $val = &CSVToStr($val);
            $val = undef if ($val eq '');

            &setRecVal($rec, $fld, $val);

        # Value for "secret" field must be '' or '1'.
        # Convert any perl "false" value to '' and any "true" value to 1:
        $rec->{'secret'} =
            (defined $rec->{'secret'} and $rec->{'secret'}) ? 1 : '';

        push(@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}, $rec);
        $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}};

        $max_id = $rec->{'rolo_id'} if ($rec->{'rolo_id'} > $max_id);
    $db->{'NEXT_ID'} = $max_id+1;
    return $db;

sub setRecVal
    my ($rec, $fld, $val) = @_;

    if ($fld =~ /^\d+$/)
        $rec->{'entry'}->[$fld] = $val;
    elsif ($fld eq 'phoneLabel')
        $rec->{$fld} = [split(/ /, $val)];
        $rec->{$fld} = $val;

sub writeCSV
    my ($CSVFILE, $db) = @_;
    my ($rec, $key, $val, @fields);

    unless (open(FD, ">$CSVFILE"))
        PilotMgr::msg("Unable to write to $CSVFILE.  Help!");

    foreach $rec (@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}})
        @fields = ();
        foreach $key (@gCSVorder)
            $val = $gEntryMap{$key};
            if ($val =~ /^\d+$/)
                if (defined ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$val]))
                    $val = &StrToCSV($val);
                if (defined ($val = $rec->{$val}))
                    $val = join(' ', @$val) if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY');
                    $val = &StrToCSV($val);

            $val = '' unless (defined $val);
            push(@fields, $val);

        print FD join(',', @fields), "\n";


sub StrToCSV
    my ($str) = @_;

    $str =~ s/(\\*)(n|\n)/'\\' x (2*length($1)) . ($2 eq 'n' ? 'n' : '\\n')/ge;
    if ($str =~ /[,"]/)
        $str =~ s/"/""/g;
        $str = '"' . $str . '"';

    return $str;

sub popCSV
    my ($str) = @_;

    if ($str =~ s/^("([^"]|"")*")(,|$)//)
        return($1, $str);
    elsif ($str =~ s/^(.*?)(,|$)//)
        return($1, $str);

    return($str, '');

sub CSVToStr
    my ($str) = @_;

    if ($str =~ /^"(.*)"$/)
        $str = $1;
        $str =~ s/""/"/g;
    $str =~ s/((\\\\)*)(\\)?n/'\\' x (length($1)\/2) . ($3 ? "\n" : 'n')/ge;

    return $str;

sub writeVCardsOneFile
    my ($VCARDFILE, $db) = @_;
    my ($rec);


    unless (open(FD, ">$VCARDFILE"))
        PilotMgr::msg("Unable to write to $VCARDFILE.  Help!");

    foreach $rec (@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}})
        &writeVCard($rec, FD);
        print FD "\n";


sub writeVCardsMultipleFiles
    my ($VCARDDIR, $db) = @_;
    my ($rec, $cat, $fn, @dirlist, $dir, @filelist, $file);


    # yikes, scary! delete all old files!
    # vCard files are stored in subdirectories named by category.
    # Each SyncAB owned directory has a ".pilotmgr" file in it.
    opendir DIR, "$VCARDDIR";
    @dirlist = readdir DIR;
    closedir DIR;
    foreach $dir (@dirlist)
        next if ($dir =~ /^\.\.?$/);            # skip . and ..
        if (-d "$VCARDDIR/$dir" and -f "$VCARDDIR/$dir/.pilotmgr")
            opendir DEL, "$VCARDDIR/$dir";
            @filelist = readdir DEL;
            closedir DEL;
            foreach $file (@filelist)
                if ($file ne '.pilotmgr' and -f "$VCARDDIR/$dir/$file")
                    unlink "$VCARDDIR/$dir/$file";

    foreach $rec (@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}})
        ($cat, $fn) = &vCardFileName($rec, $db->{'__APPINFO'});
        unless (-d "$VCARDDIR/$cat")
            mkdir "$VCARDDIR/$cat", 0755;
            open(FD, ">$VCARDDIR/$cat/.pilotmgr") and close(FD);
        if (-f "$VCARDDIR/$cat/$fn")
            # file already exists
            $_ = 1;
            while (-f "$VCARDDIR/$cat/${fn}_$_") { $_++ }
            $fn .= "_$_";
        unless (open(FD, ">$VCARDDIR/$cat/$fn"))
            PilotMgr::msg("** Error opening $VCARDDIR/$cat/$fn for write!");
        &writeVCard($rec, FD);

sub vCardFileName
    my ($rec, $appinfo) = @_;

    my $fn = $rec->{'fullname'};
    $fn = &titleString($rec) unless (&isgood($str));

    # remove newlines, and anything after them.
    $fn =~ s/\n.*//g;
    # remove spaces from beginning and end of line.
    $fn =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
    # replace multiple spaces with a single space.
    $fn =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
    # replace characters we don't want in filenames.
    $fn =~ tr|'"<>[]/|_______|s;

    my $cat = $appinfo->{'categoryName'}->[ $rec->{$gEntryMap{'category'}} ];
    $cat = 'PilotDB' unless (&isgood($cat));

    $cat =~ s/\n.*//g;
    $cat =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
    $cat =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
    $cat =~ tr|'"<>[]/|_______|s;

    return ($cat, $fn);

sub writeVCard
    my ($rec, $FD) = @_;
    my ($val, $val2, $i);

    #XXX: need to handle newlines or semicolons in ADR and N fields!!

    #sdtname requires a ADR type, HOME/WORK.. we'll default to HOME
    my $defaultAddrPlace = 'HOME';

    print $FD "BEGIN:VCARD\n";

    # FN is just for looks, doesn't store actual data:
        defined($rec->{'fullname'}) ? $rec->{'fullname'} : &titleString($rec),

    ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'lastname'}]) =~ s/;/\\;/g;
    ($val2 = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'firstname'}]) =~ s/;/\\;/g;
    if (defined $val || defined $val2)
        #XXX: use &printEncodedString here?
        print $FD 'N:';
        print $FD $val if (defined $val);
        print $FD ';';
        print $FD $val2 if (defined $val2);
        print $FD "\n";

    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'company'}];
    &printEncodedString('ORG', $val, $FD) if (defined $val);

    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'title'}];
    &printEncodedString('TITLE', $val, $FD) if (defined $val);

    print $FD 'ADR;';
    $val = $rec->{'addrTypeInfo'};              # vCard info like HOME or WORK
    $val = $defaultAddrPlace unless (defined $val);
    print $FD "$val;X-pilot-field=addr:;;";

    ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'address'}]) =~ s/;/\\;/g;
    $val =~ s/\n/\\n/g;         #XXX- not right- what to do with newlines?
    print $FD $val if (defined $val);
    print $FD ';';

    ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'city'}]) =~ s/;/\\;/g;
    print $FD $val if (defined $val);
    print $FD ';';

    ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'state'}]) =~ s/;/\\;/g;
    print $FD $val if (defined $val);
    print $FD ';';

    ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'zip'}]) =~ s/;/\\;/g;
    print $FD $val if (defined $val);
    print $FD ';';

    ($val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'country'}]) =~ s/;/\\;/g;
    print $FD $val if (defined $val);
    print $FD "\n";

    foreach $i (1..5)
        $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{"phone$i"}];
        $val2 = $rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$i-1];

        # Unless phonetype is equal to default, need to record even empty
        # value, to get phonetype recorded..
        next if (!defined $val and $val2 == ($i-1));
        $val = '' unless (defined $val);

        #XXX: might want to look at prefs and see what types these
        #     *really* are in case they've been changed..
        if ($val2 == 4)
            print $FD 'EMAIL;INTERNET';
            print $FD 'TEL;',
                      (@_=grep($_->[1] == $val2, @gPhoneTypes))?$_[0]->[0]:'';

        &printEncodedString(";X-pilot-field=phone$i", $val, $FD);

    foreach $i (1..4)
        $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{"custom$i"}];
        next unless (defined $val);

        &printEncodedString("NOTE;X-pilot-field=custom$i", $val, $FD);

    $val = $rec->{'entry'}->[$gEntryMap{'note'}];
    &printEncodedString('NOTE;X-pilot-field=note', $val, $FD)
        if (defined $val);

    print $FD "X-pilot-id:$rec->{rolo_id}\n",
    print $FD "X-pilot-private:$rec->{secret}\n"
        if (exists $rec->{'secret'} and length $rec->{'secret'});

    print $FD "END:VCARD\n";

sub printEncodedString
    # print string value to vcard. use Quoted-Printable if necessary
    # XXX: this needs to be more complete to encode all control chars,etc too
    my ($hdr, $val, $fd) = @_;

    print $fd $hdr if ($hdr);
    if ($val =~ /\n/)
        $val =~ s/=/=3D/g;
        $val =~ s/\n/=0A/g;
        print $fd ";ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE";
    print $fd ":$val\n";

sub readVCardsOneFile
    my ($VCARDFILE) = @_;
    my ($max_id, $db, $rec, $i) = (-1, { '__RECORDS' => [], 'NEXT_ID' => 0 });

    $db->{'__APPINFO'} = &readAppInfoFile;
    unless (open(FD, "<$VCARDFILE"))
        # Don't do a sync if master data file exists (then we'll end up
        # deleting all records!)
        if (-f "SyncAB/addr.db")
                "**ERROR: Unable to open $VCARDFILE.  Aborting SyncAB!");
        return $db;

    while (<FD>)
        if ( /^\s*BEGIN\s*:\s*VCARD\s*$/ )
            $rec = &readVCard(FD);
            push(@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}, $rec);

            if (defined $rec->{'rolo_id'})
                $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}};
                $max_id = $rec->{'rolo_id'} if ($rec->{'rolo_id'} > $max_id);
    $db->{'NEXT_ID'} = $max_id+1;

    foreach $i ($[..$#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}})
        $rec = $db->{'__RECORDS'}->[$i];
        unless (defined $rec->{'rolo_id'})
            $rec->{'rolo_id'} = $db->{'NEXT_ID'}++;
            $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $i;

    return $db;

sub readVCardsMultipleFiles
    my ($VCARDDIR) = @_;
    my ($max_id, $db, $rec, @dirlist, $dir, @filelist, $file, $cat) =
        (-1, { '__RECORDS' => [], 'NEXT_ID' => 0 });

    $db->{'__APPINFO'} = &readAppInfoFile;

    # vCard files are stored in subdirectories named by category.
    # Each SyncAB owned directory has a ".pilotmgr" file in it.
    unless (opendir DIR, "$VCARDDIR")
            "**ERROR: Unable to open dir $VCARDDIR.  Aborting SyncAB!");
    @dirlist = readdir DIR;
    closedir DIR;
    foreach $dir (@dirlist)
        next if ($dir =~ /^\.\.?$/);            # skip . and ..
        if (-d "$VCARDDIR/$dir" and -f "$VCARDDIR/$dir/.pilotmgr")
            opendir DAT, "$VCARDDIR/$dir";
            @filelist = readdir DAT;
            closedir DAT;
            foreach $file (@filelist)
                if ($file ne '.pilotmgr' and -f "$VCARDDIR/$dir/$file")
                    unless (open(FD, "<$VCARDDIR/$dir/$file"))
                        PilotMgr::msg("** Unable to read $VCARDDIR/$dir/$file");
                    do { $_ = <FD> }
                        until (/^\s*BEGIN\s*:\s*VCARD\s*$/i or eof(FD));
                    close(FD), next if (eof(FD));
                    $rec = &readVCard(FD);
                    push(@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}, $rec);

                    if (defined $rec->{'rolo_id'})
                        $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}};
                        $max_id = $rec->{'rolo_id'}
                            if ($rec->{'rolo_id'} > $max_id);
    $db->{'NEXT_ID'} = $max_id+1;

    foreach $i ($[..$#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}})
        $rec = $db->{'__RECORDS'}->[$i];
        unless (defined $rec->{'rolo_id'})
            $rec->{'rolo_id'} = $db->{'NEXT_ID'}++;
            $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $i;

    return $db;

sub readVCard
    my ($FD) = @_;
    my $encodeMatch = '(^|;)\s*ENCODING\s*=\s*QUOTED-PRINTABLE\s*(;|$)';
    my $pilotMatch = '(^|;)\s*X-pilot-field\s*=\s*(\S+?)\s*(;|$)';
    my %fieldMap = ('FN'        => 'fullname',
                    'ORG'       => 'company',
                    'TITLE'     => 'title',
                    'id'        => 'rolo_id',
                    'category'  => 'category',
                    'show-phone'=> 'whichphone',
                    'private'   => 'private');

    my ($rec, $field, $extra, $item);
    $rec = { 'entry' => [],
             'showPhone' => 0,
             'phoneLabel' => [0,1,2,3,4],
             'secret' => '' };
    $rec->{'entry'}->[18] = undef;  # ensure right array length

    while (<$FD>)
        last if ( /^\s*END\s*:\s*VCARD\s*$/ );

        if ( /^\s*(FN|ORG|TITLE)\s*(;[^:]*)?:(.*)$/i )
            ($field = $1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
            $extra = $2;
            $val = $3;
            $val = &decodeQuotedPrintable($val, $FD)
                if ($extra =~ /$encodeMatch/i);

            &setRecVal($rec, $gEntryMap{$fieldMap{$field}}, $val);
        elsif ( /^\s*N\s*(;[^:]*)?:(.*)$/i )
            $extra = $1;
            $val = $2;

            &popFields($rec, $val, 'lastname', 'firstname');
            #XXX: do anything with remaining fields? (ie suffix, etc)
        elsif ( /^\s*ADR\s*(;[^:]*)?:(.*)$/i )
            $extra = $1;
            $val = $2;

            unless ($extra =~ /$pilotMatch/i and ($field=$2) =~ /^addr$/i)
                # Not the ADR entry for pilot
                #XXX: save this somewhere so it won't be lost,
                #     or maybe select it for pilot data if there is none

            &popFields($rec, $val, 'SKIP', 'SKIP',  #XXX use first values?
                        'address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country');
        elsif ( /^\s*(TEL|EMAIL|NOTE)\s*(;[^:]*)?:(.*)$/i )
            $extra = $2;
            $val = $3;
            $val = &decodeQuotedPrintable($val, $FD)
                if ($extra =~ /$encodeMatch/i);

            unless ($extra =~ /$pilotMatch/i)
                # Not a pilot entry
                #XXX: save this somewhere so it won't be lost,
                #     or maybe assign to a pilot entry...
            ($field = $2) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

            &setRecVal($rec, $gEntryMap{$field}, $val) if (length $val);

            if ($field =~ /^phone(\d)$/)
                $val = $1;
                @_ = grep($extra =~ /(^|;)\s*$_->[0]\s*(;|$)/i, @gPhoneTypes);
                $rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$val-1] = @_ ? $_[0]->[1] : 3;
                                                  # default val == 3 == OTHER
        elsif ( /^\s*X-pilot-(.*)\s*(;[^:]*)?:(.*)$/i )
            $field = $fieldMap{$1};
            next unless (defined $field);
            $val = $3;
            # Value for private must be 1 or ''
            $val = $val ? 1 : ''  if ($field eq 'private');

            $rec->{$gEntryMap{$field}} = $val;
            #XXX: save data somewhere so it won't be lost

    return $rec;

sub popFields
    my ($rec, $val, @fields) = @_;
    my ($field, $item);

    foreach $field (@fields)
        ($item = $1) =~ s/\\;/;/g  if ($val =~ s/^(.*?(^|[^\\]))(;|$)//);

        next if ($field eq 'SKIP');
        $item = undef unless (length $item);    #XXX I think I want this
        &setRecVal($rec, $gEntryMap{$field}, $item);

sub decodeQuotedPrintable
    my ($val, $FD) = @_;

    while ($val =~ s/=$//)
        $val .= <$FD>;
        $val =~ s/\015?\n$//;
    #XXX: should decode all =## things
    $val =~ s/=0[Aa]/\n/g;
    $val =~ s/=3[Dd]/=/g;

    return $val;

sub readBbdb {
    my ($BBDBFile) = @_;
    my ($max_id, $db, $rec, $i) = (-1, { '__RECORDS' => [], 'NEXT_ID' => 0 });
    my ($deleted, $archived, @bbdb, $local_id, $i, $recId, $showPhone);
    my (@phones, @phoneLabel, $k);

    $db->{'__APPINFO'} = &readAppInfoFile;
    unless (open(FD, "<$BBDBFile")) {
        # Don't do a sync if master data file exists (then we'll end up
        # deleting all records!)
        if (-f "SyncAB/addr.db")
                "**ERROR: Unable to open $BBDBFile.  Aborting SyncAB!");
        return $db;

    while (<FD>) {
      last if !/^;;; /;
      last if /^;;; user-fields: \(.*\)/;
      if (/^;;; file-version: (.*)$/) {
        if (($1 ne "2") && ($1 ne "3")) {
          print "ERROR: Can currently only work with version 2 & 3 files\n";
          close FD;
          PilotMgr::msg("**ERROR: Unsupported Version of BBDB $1.  Aborting SyncAB!");
        else {
            $BbdbFileVersion = $1;
    @bbdb = <FD>;              # Read in the rest of the database
    @bbdb = grep(!/^;/, @bbdb);   # Filter out the comments now;
    $local_id = 1;
    for ($i=0; $i <= $#bbdb; $i++) {

        $rec = &readBbdbRec ($bbdb[$i], @userFields);
        push (@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}, $rec);
        if (defined $rec->{'rolo_id'}) {
            $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}};
            $max_id = $rec->{'rolo_id'} if ($rec->{'rolo_id'} > $max_id);
    close (FD);
    $db->{'NEXT_ID'} = $max_id+1;

    foreach $i ($[..$#{$db->{'__RECORDS'}})
        $rec = $db->{'__RECORDS'}->[$i];
        unless (defined $rec->{'rolo_id'})
            $rec->{'rolo_id'} = $db->{'NEXT_ID'}++;
            $db->{ $rec->{'rolo_id'} } = $i;

    return $db;

sub readBbdbRec {
  my ($bbdbRec, @userFields) = @_;
  my ($phoneNo, $ext, $customField, $category, $field);
  my (@entry, $alias, $org, $phone, $address, $email, $notes);
  my ($street, $city, $zipcode, $state, $country, $rec);
  my ($emailSet, $emailField, $k, $phField);
  $rec = { 'entry' => [],
           'showPhone' => 0,
           'phoneLabel' => [0,1,2,3,4],
           'secret' => '' };
  $rec->{'entry'}->[19] = undef;  # ensure right array length
  $phField = 3;
  ($rec->{'entry'}->[1], $rec->{'entry'}->[0], $alias, $rec->{'entry'}->[2], $phone, $address, $email, $notes, undef)
    = &GetFields($bbdbRec);
  $rec->{'entry'}->[0] =~ s/\"//g;
  $rec->{'entry'}->[1] =~ s/\["*(.*)"*/$1/g;
  $rec->{'entry'}->[1] =~ s/\"//g;

  $rec->{'entry'}->[0] = "" if ($rec->{'entry'}->[0] eq "nil");
  $rec->{'entry'}->[1] = "" if ($rec->{'entry'}->[1] eq "nil");
  $rec->{'entry'}->[2] = "" if ($rec->{'entry'}->[2] eq "nil");

  # Replace the quotes with ", " if there are multiple email addresses
  if ($email eq "nil") {
      $email = "";
  else {
      $email =~ s/\"//g;
      $email =~ s/ /, /g;
      $email =~ s/, $//;
  # Extract telephone number in xxx-xxx-xxxxX<extension> format
  if ($phone ne "nil") {
      ($phoneNo, $ext) = &GetNumberFromPhoneFieldBbdb ($phone);
      if (!defined ($phoneNo)) {
          $rec->{'entry'}->[3] = $phone;
      else {
          $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] = $phoneNo;
          $rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$phField-3] = $PhoneInvLabels->{work};
          if (defined ($ext) && ($ext != 0)) {
              $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] = $phoneNo."-".$ext;
  else {
      $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] = "";
  # BBDB's address stores everything from street address to zipcode in 
  # one string. Split it up for merging with Palm Pilot's format
  if ($address ne "nil") {
      ($rec->{'entry'}->[8], $rec->{'entry'}->[9], $rec->{'entry'}->[10], $rec->{'entry'}->[11]) =
        GetAddressFieldsBbdb ($address);
      $rec->{'entry'}->[8] = "" if (!defined ($rec->{'entry'}->[8]));
      $rec->{'entry'}->[9] = "" if (!defined ($rec->{'entry'}->[9]));
      $rec->{'entry'}->[10] = "" if (!defined ($rec->{'entry'}->[10]));
      $rec->{'entry'}->[11] = "" if (!defined ($rec->{'entry'}->[11]));

      # Strip the quotes from the zipcode field
      $rec->{'entry'}->[11] =~ s/"//g;

      # Strip the leading & trailing "["
      $address =~ s/^\[//;
      $address =~ s/\]$//;
  else {
      $rec->{'entry'}->[8] = $rec->{'entry'}->[9] = $rec->{'entry'}->[10] = $rec->{'entry'}->[11] = "";
  # The Notes field can consist of not just not notes, but also names 
  # and values for user-defined fields. Extract these.
  if ($notes ne "nil") {
      $userNotes = &GetNotesBbdb ($notes);
      $userNotes = "nil" if (!defined ($userNotes));
      # Extract user-configured fields
      if ($notes =~ m/^\(/) {
          foreach $userFieldKey (@userFields) {
              $customField = &GetCustomFieldBbdb ($notes, $userFieldKey);
              next if (!defined ($customField));

              if ($userFieldKey eq "category") {
                  $category = $customField;
              elsif ((($userFieldKey eq "home") || 
                      ($userFieldKey eq "fax") ||
                      ($userFieldKey eq "pager") ||
                      ($userFieldKey eq "main") ||
                      ($userFieldKey eq "other") ||
                      ($userFieldKey eq "mobile")) &&
                     (defined ($customField))) {
                  ($phoneNo, $ext) = 
                    &GetNumberFromPhoneFieldBbdb ($customField); 
                  if (!defined ($phoneNo)) {
                      $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] = $customField;
                      $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] =~ s/"//g;
                  else {
                      $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] = $phoneNo;
                      if (defined ($ext) && ($ext != 0)) {
                          $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] = $phoneNo."x".$ext;
                  $rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$phField-3] = $PhoneInvLabels->{$userFieldKey};
              elsif (($userFieldKey eq "showphone") &&
                     (defined ($customField))) {
                  $rec->{'showPhone'} = $customField;
                  $showphone = $customField;
              elsif (($userFieldKey eq "custom1") &&
                     (defined ($customField))) {
                  $rec->{'entry'}->[14] = $customField;
              elsif (($userFieldKey eq "custom2") &&
                     (defined ($customField))) {
                  $rec->{'entry'}->[15] = $customField;
              elsif (($userFieldKey eq "custom3") &&
                     (defined ($customField))) {
                  $rec->{'entry'}->[16] = $customField;
              elsif (($userFieldKey eq "custom4") &&
                     (defined ($customField))) {
                  $rec->{'entry'}->[17] = $customField;
              elsif (($userFieldKey eq "attributes") &&
                     (defined ($customField))) {

          if (!defined ($userNotes)) {
              $rec->{'entry'}->[18] = "";
          else {
              $rec->{'entry'}->[18] = $customField;
  else {
      $userNotes = "nil";
      $category = $DefaultCategory;
  if ($showphone == $ShowPhoneUndef) {
      $showphone = $PhoneInvLabels->{email};
      $rec->{'showphone'} = $PhoneInvLabels->{email};

  # Determine where the email field needs to go
  if ($phField < 8) {
      $rec->{'entry'}->[$phField] = $email;
      $rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$phField-3] = $PhoneInvLabels->{email};
  return $rec;

sub writeBbdb {
    my ($BbdbFile, $db) = @_;
    my ($rec, $field);


    unless (open(FD, ">$BbdbFile"))
        PilotMgr::msg("Unable to write to $BbdbFile.  Help!");

    print FD ";;; file-version: $BbdbFileVersion\n";
    print FD ";;; user-fields: (@userFields)\n";
    foreach $rec (sort SortBbdb @{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}) {
        &writeBbdbRec($rec, FD);

sub writeBbdbRec {
    my ($rec, $BBDB) = @_;
    my ($areacode, $no1, $no2, $ext, $firstBrace, $email, $address);
    my ($home, $pager, $mobile, $main, $fax, $k, $temp);
    # Sort entries by last name, organization or email
    $firstBrace = 0;

    foreach $k (0 .. 18) {
        $rec->{'entry'}->[$k] =~ s/\n/ /g;
    print $BBDB "[";
    BbdbPrintField ($rec->{'entry'}->[1], "\"", "\" ", $BBDB);
    BbdbPrintField ($rec->{'entry'}->[0], "\"", "\" ", $BBDB);
    BbdbPrintField ("nil", "(", ") ", $BBDB);
    BbdbPrintField ($rec->{'entry'}->[2], "\"", "\" ", $BBDB);
    if (($rec->{'entry'}->[3] ne "") &&
        ($rec->{'showphone'}->[0] == 0)) {
        ($areacode, $no1, $no2, $ext) = 
          split (/[-x]/, $rec->{'entry'}->[3]); 
        $ext = 0 if (!defined ($ext));
        $areacode = 0 if (!defined ($areacode));
        $no1 = 0 if (!defined ($no1));
        $no2 = 0 if (!defined ($no2));
        print $BBDB "([";
        if ($rec->{'entry'}->[9] ne "") {
            BbdbPrintField ("\"$rec->{'entry'}->[9]\" ", "", "", $BBDB);
        else {
            BbdbPrintField (" ", "\"", "\" ", $BBDB);
        BbdbPrintField ($areacode." ".$no1." ".$no2." ".$ext, "", "]) ", $BBDB); 
    else {
        BbdbPrintField ("nil", "", " ", $BBDB); 
    $address = "nil";
    # Construct the address field in the format of BBDB
    if (($rec->{'entry'}->[8] ne "") && ($rec->{'entry'}->[9] ne "")) {
        if ($rec->{'entry'}->[10] ne "") {
            $address = "\"$rec->{entry}->[9], $rec->{entry}->[10]\" \"$rec->{entry}->[8]\" \"\" \"\" \"$rec->{entry}->[9]\" \"$rec{entry}->[10]\"";
        else {
            $address = "\"$rec->{entry}->[9]\" \"$rec->{entry}->[8]\" \"\" \"\" \"$rec->{entry}->[9]\" \"\"";
        if ($rec->{entry}->[11] ne "") {
            $address .= " $rec->{entry}->[11]";
        else {
            $address .= " 0";

    $address =~ s/\n//g;
    # Concatenate all the email fields into one
    $email = "";
    foreach $k (3 .. 7) {
        next if ($rec->{'entry'}->[$k] eq "");
        if ($rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$k-3] == 4) {
            $temp = $rec->{'entry'}->[$k];
            $temp =~ s/, /" "/g;
            $email .= "\"".$temp."\" ";
    $email = "nil" if ($email eq "");
    $address = "nil" if ($address eq "");
    BbdbPrintField ($address, "([", "]) ", $BBDB);
    BbdbPrintField ($email, '(', ') ', $BBDB);
    # BBDB cannot handle newlines in the notes field. Replace newlines with
    # spaces.
    if (($rec->{'entry'}->[18] ne "") &&
        ($rec->{'entry'}->[18] ne "nil")) {
        $notes = $rec->{'entry'}->[18];
        $notes =~ s/\n/ /g;
        BbdbPrintField ("\"$notes\"", "((notes . ", ")", $BBDB);
        $firstBrace = 1;
    # Remaining fields are user-defined fields
    foreach $k (3 .. 7) {
        next if (($rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$k-3] == 0) ||
                 ($rec->{'phoneLabel'}->[$k-3] == 4));
        next if ($rec->{'entry'}->[$k] eq "");
        next if ($rec->{'entry'}->[$k] eq "nil");
        if ($rec->{entry}->[$k] =~ m/^\d+/) {
            ($areacode, $no1, $no2, $ext) = 
              split (/[-x]/, $rec->{entry}->[$k]); 
            $ext = 0 if (!defined ($ext));
            $areacode = 0 if (!defined ($areacode));
            $no1 = 0 if (!defined ($no1));
            $no2 = 0 if (!defined ($no2));
            $value = $areacode." ".$no1." ".$no2." ".$ext;
        else {
            $value = $rec->{entry}->[$k];
        $label = $PhoneLabels[$rec->{phoneLabel}->[$k-3]];
        if ($firstBrace) {
            BbdbPrintField ($value, " ($label . \"", "\") ", $BBDB);
        else {
            BbdbPrintField ($value, " (($label . \"", "\") ", $BBDB);
            $firstBrace = 1;
    # Add the Custom fields
    foreach $k (1 .. 4) {
        $labelName = "custom".$k;
        if (($rec->{'entry'}->[13+$k] ne "") &&
            ($rec->{'entry'}->[13+$k] ne "nil")) {
            if ($firstBrace) {
                BbdbPrintField ($rec->{entry}->[13+$k],
                                " ($labelName . \"", "\") ", $BBDB);
            else {
                BbdbPrintField ($rec->{entry}->[13+$k],
                                " (($labelName . \"", "\")", $BBDB);
                $firstBrace = 1;
    # Add the category as a user-defined field
    if (($rec->{category} ne "") && ($rec->{category} ne "nil")) {
        if ($firstBrace) {
            BbdbPrintField ($rec->{category}, " (category . \"", "\") ", $BBDB);
        else {
            BbdbPrintField ($rec->{category}, " ((category . \"", "\")", $BBDB);
            $firstBrace = 1;
    # Add the record ID as a user-defined field
    if ($firstBrace) {
        BbdbPrintField ($rec->{rolo_id}, " (recordID . \"", "\") ", $BBDB);
    else {
        BbdbPrintField ($rec->{rolo_id}, " ((recordID . \"", "\")", $BBDB);
        $firstBrace = 1;
    # Add the showphone field
    if ($firstBrace) {
        BbdbPrintField ($rec->{'showPhone'}, " (showphone . \"", "\") ", $BBDB);
    else {
        BbdbPrintField ($rec->{'showPhone'}, " ((showphone . \"", "\")", $BBDB);
        $firstBrace = 1;
    if ($firstBrace) {
        print $BBDB ") ";
    else {
        # nil Notes field and so print nil.
        print $BBDB "nil ";
    print $BBDB "nil]\n";

sub BbdbPrintField {
    my ($field, $prefix, $suffix, $BBDB) = @_;
    if (!defined ($field) || $field eq "nil") {
	print $BBDB "nil ";
    else {
	print $BBDB $prefix, $field, $suffix;

sub GetFields {
    my ($i) = 0;
    my (@field);    
    my ($j) = 0;

    $j = 0;
    while ($j < length($_[0])) {
        if (substr($_[0], $j, 1) eq '"') { # ;"
            ($j, $field[$i++]) = &MatchString($_[0], $j);
        elsif (substr($_[0], $j, 1) eq '(') {
            ($j, $field[$i++]) = &MatchParent($_[0], $j);
        elsif (substr($_[0], $j, 1) ne ' ') {
            ($j, $field[$i++]) = &MatchWord($_[0], $j);
        else {
            $j ++;
    return @field;

sub MatchString {
  my ($i) = $_[1];
  for (; $i < length($_[0]); $i++) {
    if (substr($_[0], $i, 1) eq '"') { # ;"
      return ($i, substr($_[0], $_[1]+1, $i - $_[1] - 2));
  return ($i, substr($_[0], $_[1]+1));

sub MatchWord {
  my ($i) = $_[1];
  my ($startQuote) = 0;
  for (; $i < length($_[0]); $i++) {
    if (substr($_[0], $i, 1) eq ' ' && !$startQuote) {
      return ($i, substr($_[0], $_[1], $i - $_[1]));
    elsif (substr($_[0], $i, 1) eq '"') {
      $startQuote = !$startQuote;
  return ($i, substr($_[0], $_[1]));

sub MatchParent {
  my ($i) = $_[1];
  my ($skip) ;
  $stack = 1;
  for (; $i < length($_[0]); $i++) {
    if (substr($_[0], $i, 1) eq '"') { # ;"
      ($i, $skip) = &MatchString($_[0], $i);
      $i --;
    elsif (index("([", substr($_[0], $i, 1)) >= 0) {
    elsif (index("])", substr($_[0], $i, 1)) >= 0) {
      if ($stack == 0) {
        return ($i, substr($_[0], $_[1]+1, $i - $_[1] - 2));
  return ($i, substr($_[0], $_[1]+1));

# The BBDB representation of phone is not the way we like it to be. Convert it
# into the format xxx-xxx-xxxx add in case of an extension, add the trailing
# x<extension #>.
sub GetNumberFromPhoneFieldBbdb {
  my ($phoneNo, $extension);
  ($phoneNo, $extension) = 
    ($_[0] =~ m/[^0-9]*(\d+ \d+ \d+) (\d+).*$/);
  if (!defined ($phoneNo)) {
    # The phone was not in a North American number format. 
    ($phoneNo) = ($_[0] =~ m/[^0-9]*([0-9 -]+).*$/);
  # BBDB converts numbers such as 0400 to 400. Fix this - TBD
  if (defined ($phoneNo)) {
    $phoneNo =~ s/ /-/g;

  return ($phoneNo, $extension);

# The BBDB address is stored with the street address, city, state and zipcode
# all clumped together. Split them apart into a format similar to the way the
# PalmPilot stores it.
sub GetAddressFieldsBbdb {
  my ($address) = @_;
  my ($streetAddr, $st1, $st2, $st3, $city, $state, $zipcode, $zip);
  #    BBDB's address format is as follows:
  #    ["location" "street addr 1" "street addr 2" "street addr 3" "city" "state"
  #     zipcode]
  #    Our regexp below assumes that there are no " within the individual fields
  ($st1, $st2, $st3, $city, $state, $zip) = ($address =~ m/\[\"[^"]*\" \"([^"]*)\" \"([^"]*)\" \"([^"]*)\" \"([^"]*)\" \"([^"]*)\" (\d+)/);

    $st1 = "" if (!defined ($st1));
    $st2 = "" if (!defined ($st2));
    $st3 = "" if (!defined ($st3));
    $streetAddr = $st1." ".$st2." ".$st3;
    $zipcode = "\"$zip\"";
    return ($streetAddr, $city, $state, $zipcode);

# The BBDB field extraction routine clumps the notes field and the user-defined
# fields under a single variable. This routine xtracts just the notes part 
# from this variable.
sub GetNotesBbdb {
  my ($notes) = @_;
  my ($justNotes);
  if ($notes =~ m/^\(/) {
    if ($notes =~ m/^\(notes . /) {
      (undef, $justNotes) = &MatchParent ($_[0], 0);
      if (!defined ($justNotes)) {
        $justNotes = "nil";
    else {
      $justNotes = "nil";
  else {
    $justNotes = $notes;
  $justNotes =~ s/^\"//;
  $justNotes =~ s/\"$//;
  $justNotes =~ s/^notes . "//;
    return $justNotes;

# This routine extracts the value for a specified custom field from the generic
# notes variable created by the BBDB field extraction routine.
sub GetCustomFieldBbdb {
  my ($notes, $fieldName) = @_;
  my ($customField);
  if ($notes =~ m/^\(/) {
    ($customField) = ($notes =~ m/\($fieldName . "([^)]*)"\)/);
  return (defined ($customField) ? $customField : undef);

sub SortBbdb { 
    $a->{'entry'}->[0] cmp $b->{'entry'}->[0];

#XXX test code XXX
#my $db = &readVCardsMultipleFiles("$ENV{HOME}/.dt/Addresses");
#foreach (@{$db->{'__RECORDS'}}) { print Dumper($_) }


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