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Re: SyncMemo


I use it too, escpecially for the stock quote download.  Just a warning -- it 
works by parsing web page source, so occasionally the code needs to be tweaked 
to keep up with changes on the respective web sites.  Beyond that, it works 


>Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 11:31:03 -0500
>From: "Perley B. C. Mears Jr." <perley.mears@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>X-Accept-Language: en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: Kevin Kryzda x1310 <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>CC: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: SyncMemo
>	It is a perl scipt Alan wrote to update several memos with data from
>specific web sites, i.e. the weather.txt memo file gets updated with the
>latest weather for his area from The Weather Underground. It also
>updates a memo with stock info, another memo with movie listings for
>local AMC theatres, etc. It's perfect if you live in the same area, but
>it does require some tweaking if you don't. You can specify it in the
>SyncMemo configuration to be run before or after syncing, to actually do
>the updates. I tweaked it for my area, and have it run before SyncMemo
>does the actual sync.
>Kevin Kryzda x1310 wrote:
>> Speaking of SyncMemo....does anyone know what the program UpdateMemo.pl is
>> supposed to do?  It is contained in the release package of Pilot Manager.
>> -kevin
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