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Re: Flash Flag (was Re: Backup Buddy / Pmgr)

> >I had a case where a large lib file was duplicated on both the Flash *&* RAM,
> >the Pilot being deceiptively stupid there...
> >How would Pmgr handle this ?
> >I suppose it would retrieve only *one* of the 2, but where would it write it
> >back on the Pilot ?
> I don't think pilotmgr deals with flash at all.. I'm pretty sure it will


> backup and restore data in RAM only..
> I think the hotsync api does allow reading files from flash, but I'm not
> sure of the details.. anyone?

pilot-xfer -l gives you everything in RAM, pilot-xfer -L gives you 

I just tried pilot-xfer -f 'Address Book' which just worked, pilot-xfer -i 
'Address Book' however froze the Pilot, to good I tried this with xcopilot ;-)

pilot-xfer also fetches PRCs from Flash installed by FlashPro.

On every Database from ROM the READ_ONLY flag is set.

Best thing would be to write a FlashBackup which works exactly like Backup, 
but only for databases in Flash.

cu, Bodo

BTW: This was pilot-link-0.9.0 and PalmOS 3.0 (debug)
Bodo Bellut          bodo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |     USE PGP!       +-----------+
Klosterstr. 7                                | (key via server    |\  O---m  /|
44135 Dortmund       Fon: +49-231-5860337    |  or on request)    |/---------\|
PGP: 768/FA18A639 AE 5A 47 40 5A A0 D6 15  8E 54 44 AA 8D DD 6E BD+-----------+

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