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Time change - it's all gone horribly wrong!

I had anticipated a few issues what with the change back to GMT, but I
hadn't expected it to be quite like this! Did a hotsync this morning
and noticed that while all my appointment times were correct, pilot
time was incorrect, as I had my pilotmgr TZ variable set to "GMT +1"
(as per the timezone bugfix).

Added the perl patch for the timezone, and removed the TX stuff in my
script to launch pilotmgr. Now all my repeating appointments were
showing one hour *later* than they should be on Calendar Manager,
although the times on the pilot were correct. Set the SuncCM to
overwrite CM, but still the same issue.

Now, I can't seem to change anything at all in CM from PilotMgr, and am
getting the error messages below (extract).

Checked times on my calendar server and system, and they're all

Any pointers?



11/01/99 15:44:52   Overwriting keitha@horus
11/01/99 15:46:44   Error Csa add_entry failed: FAILURE (6) while adding Japan Weekly NS ca
11/01/99 15:46:44   Unable to create 'Japan Weekly NS call' in Desktop calendar
11/01/99 15:46:44   Error Csa add_entry failed: FAILURE (6) while adding Ops mtg
11/01/99 15:46:44   Unable to create 'Ops mtg' in Desktop calendar
11/01/99 15:46:44   Error Csa add_entry failed: FAILURE (6) while adding MS-NS weekly outlo
ok - Benbecula.
11/01/99 15:46:44   Unable to create 'MS-NS weekly outlook - Benbecula.' in Desktop calenda

Keith D. Aitken ----------------------||---|---|-O-|---|
Lead Engineer ------------------------||---|---|---|---|
Network Storage Ops. Engineering -----||---|---|---|---|
Sun Microsystems Scotland ------------||---|-O-|---|---|

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