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Re: SyncCM (Pilotmgr in general)
- To: kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: SyncCM (Pilotmgr in general)
- From: Christian Rudolph - WorkGroup Layered Software <reindeer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:05:57 -0400 (EDT)
- Cc: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Reply-to: Christian Rudolph - WorkGroup Layered Software <reindeer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sender: owner-pilotmgr
Hello Kevin,
I have been on this alias for awhile, and the same
situation comes up again and again.
According to many, many Palm users on this forum,
syncing to more than one machine is hazardous to your data.
You mention that you sync to both Solaris/CDE and Windows.
I have stayed with syncing only with CDE, and have not had
any need to sync with more than one machine.
I would pick one, and stick with it.
When I am at home, I enter data with the Palm.
When at work, I use Calendar Mangler.
I have even lost my data on the Palm, due to crummy batteries,
and have restored my Palm from work, with no problems.
I also have kept with the same version of PilotManager,
Version 1.106, as I have not had a reason to upgrade.
I have used PilotManager for over a year, without problems.
I am using Solaris 8 Beta, CDE version 1.4,
but have used Solaris 7, and 2.6. No differences to report.
To address your fist question:
I don't know if this makes a difference, but my PilotMgr.pm
is not local. I keep all executables installed on my personal
directory on another server that gets backed up.
That's the beauty of Solaris, that you can upgrade
your OS without losing any apps or settings.
I doubt very much that this makes any difference,
but I could be wrong.
BTW, you don't state what the text of the error message is.
That might help.
c h r i s t i a n r u d o l p h
s o f t w a r e e n g i n e e r
s u n m i c r o s y s t e m s
c h r i s t i a n . r u d o l p h @ e a s t . s u n . c o m
o n e n e t w o r k d r i v e
m a i l s t o p U B U R 0 3 - 3 0 4
b u r l i n g t o n , m a 0 1 8 0 3 - 0 9 0 3
7 8 1 . 4 4 2 . 2 5 5 2
:From: kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Kevin Kryzda x1310)
:To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:Subject: SyncCM (Pilotmgr in general)
:Cc: kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
:I have been having a little difficulty with Pilot Manager and I don't really
:know what to make of it. I have really enjoyed using it to sync my Solaris
:(work) and Windoz (home) desktops. I have installed Avantgo (malsync) and a
:couple of other things and am very happy with it, so far. Only one issue
:remains --- Sync'ing my calenar from CDE or Openwin.
:I keep getting an error that leads me to the CDE FAQ, which leads to check the
:CDE libraries which are the right ones.
:After a lot of trial I think I omitted the fact that the pilotmgr executables
:are not installed localy, though my databases are. So, I guess my first
: can pilotmgr be configured in a client server mode?
:I think the answer will lead to other questions....
:Kevin W. Kryzda, CIO _ __ _ _ _ _ __ e-mail: kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
:Martin County, IT Services| / /| | | || / / voice# (561) 288-5522
:2401 S.E. Monterey Rd. | \ | | | || \ fax# (561) 221-1372 paper
:Stuart, FL 34996 |_\_\|__/_/ |_\_\ or (561) 221-1453 online
: URL: www.martin.fl.us
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