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AvantGo conduit in the works??

  Is anyone out there working on (or considering working on) a PilotManager
  conduit for the (very nice, very free) AvantGo web-browser for the Pilot?
  The AvantGo folks are community sourcing their "Mobile Application Link"
  (MAL) protocol library [ http://corp.avantgo.com/mal/ ], so it should be
  pretty easy to build an Internet access (through a firewall) front end
  for that and tack it on. (Okay, so it's all set up for a Win9x develop-
  ment environment using CVS... No Prob for you power programmers! 8-)
  They're also looking for someone to port MAL to *nix:
  http://corp.avantgo.com/mal/archives/ma001.html#06 )
  No cycles to try to do this myself (and besides, doing my current job has
  caused me to forget how to program! 8-)
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