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Re: Y2K

> Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 11:38:45 -0700
> From: Gary.Foster@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Gary D. Foster)
> >>>>> "AH" == Alan Harder <Alan.Harder@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     AH> it is y2k unknown.. I have not tested it and probably won't
>     AH> have time to do so.. anyone want to give it a whirl?  Most
>     AH> things store dates/times in ticks so I don't anticipate any
>     AH> big problems.
> v.106 is most definitely _not_ y2k compliant, it wraps repeating dates 
> that extend past 2000 to 1970.

Are you sure this is not your calendar tool that you're syncing to doing
this?  For example, I used to have repeating "forever" ToDos in my old
OpenWindows CM.  When I was moved to CDE CM, those repeating ToDos got
a start time *after* the endtime.  Since CDE dtcm doesn't understand
ToDos with a time duration, it set the end time to "Wed Dec 31 16:00 1969"!!

the SyncCM conduit throws out these appointments as "unsupported".

There are Y2K patches at least for OpenWindows 3.5.1 (`showrev -w`).
	rob a.

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