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Re: To Do Client v0.250 Available

Has anyone seen this before?

bmb@saratoga:[266]->[/files/pilotmgr]:Bad free() ignored at /files/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/PilotSync.pm line 223.
Caught a SIGSEGV at /files/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/PilotSync.pm line 96
$ = PilotSync::doSync('PDA::Pilot::DLPPtr=SCALAR(0xa7ab38)', 'HASH(0x6f40e0)', 'ARRAY(0x8b0768)', 'ARRAY(0xbc323c)', 
'todo_id', '/home/bmb/.pilotmgr/SyncToDo/todo.db', '/home/bmb/.pilotmgr/SyncToDo/.todoDB', 'CODE(0x8bcf08)', 
'CODE(0x8bd014)', 'CODE(0x8bd368)', 'CODE(0x8bd2f0)') called from file `/files/pilotmgr/SyncToDo.pm' line 139
$ = SyncToDo::conduitSync('SyncToDo', 'PDA::Pilot::DLPPtr=SCALAR(0xa7ab38)', 'HASH(0xa95bec)') called from file 
`./PilotManager' line 2290
$ = eval {...} called from file `./PilotManager' line 2288
$ = PilotMgr::hotSync called from file `./PilotManager' line 1264
$ = eval {...} called from file `./PilotManager' line 1263
$ = PilotMgr::buttonChoice('HotSync') called from file `./PilotManager' line 357
$ = PilotMgr::__ANON__ called from file `(eval 48)' line 1
$ = TkUtils::__ANON__() called from file `/usr/dist/pkgs/perl,v5.003/lib/site_perl/Tk/Button.pm' line 103
$ = eval {...} called from file `/usr/dist/pkgs/perl,v5.003/lib/site_perl/Tk/Button.pm' line 103
$ = Tk::Button::butUp('Tk::Button=HASH(0x954e18)') called from file `./PilotManager' line 2767
$ = eval {...} called from file `./PilotManager' line 2767

[4]+  Abort                   (core dumped) ./PilotManager

My pilotmgr is installed in /files/pilotmgr and I edited the ToDoClient to reflect this instead of /usr/local.

That is what I get when I try to sync.


-> Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 19:15:13 -0700
-> From: "Derek R. Pizzagoni" <drp@xxxxxxxx>
-> X-Accept-Language: en
-> MIME-Version: 1.0
-> To: "Kevin J. Wu (Sunnyvale Bldg 3)" <Kevin.J.Wu@eng>
-> CC: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-> Subject: Re: To Do Client v0.250 Available
-> The default path for the libraries is /usr/local/pilotmgr/lib/perl5.  Edit
-> the file, and look for a line that looks like the following:
-> use lib "/usr/local/pilotmgr/lib/perl5";
-> If your libraries are not installed under this path, you'll need to change
-> this line to match your configuration.
-> - Derek
-> "Kevin J. Wu (Sunnyvale Bldg 3)" wrote:
-> > I am trying to run ToDoClient.
-> >
-> > Can anyone give me a hint on how to make sure
-> > the TkUtils are accessible?
-> >
-> > line 18 is:
-> > use TkUtils;
-> >
-> > /home/kjw/PilotManager/pilotmgr
-> >
-> > ./ToDoClient
-> > Can't locate TkUtils.pm in @INC at ./ToDoClient line 18.
-> > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ToDoClient line 18.
-> >
-> > thanks!
-> >
-> > Kevin
-> >
-> > ===================================================
-> > Kevin John Wu
-> > Sun Microsystems
-> > Phone: 408-616-5766
-> > Fax:   408-774-2099
-> > email: kjw@xxxxxxxxxxx
-> > ===================================================
-> >
-> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-> > ***********************************************************
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-> > *        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -         *
-> > *            http://www.moshpit.org/pilotmgr             *
-> > ***********************************************************

Version 3.12 for Brian M. Boerner -> brian.boerner@xxxxxxx
GCS/GE d+(--) s:+ a-- C++>++++$ LVSXU++(++++)$ P+(++)$ L+>++++ E>++$ 
W+(+++)$ N+ o-- K-? w--(+) O- M(+) V PS@ PE@ Y+>++ PGP>+++ t+ 5+
X+(++++) R* tv+ b+>+++ DI+(+++) D++ G>+++ e+>+++@ h---- r+++ y++++

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* Please do not publish Sun proprietary information here! *
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