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Re: here it is, Sun namelist download?
- To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Richard.Stone@East
- Subject: Re: here it is, Sun namelist download?
- From: Neal Pollack <nealpo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 11:31:02 -0800 (PST)
- Reply-to: Neal Pollack <nealpo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sender: owner-pilotmgr@moshpit
See attached, written by Dave Brillhart (c) 1997
> Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:03:04 -0500 (EST)
> From: "Richard.Stone" <Richard.Stone@East>
> Subject: Sun namelist download?
> To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Hopefully this is the appropriate alias to ask this question.......
> Is there a facility to download a specific subset of the Sun employee phone
> list to a Palm III?
> Regards,
> Dick
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Neal S. Pollack 310-348-6129 Extension 46129
Solaris Engineering Mgr, Sun Microsystems Inc.
Los Angeles, Ca. 90045 EMAIL: Neal.Pollack@xxxxxxx
#!/usr/local/bin/perl5.002 -w
# Script name: pilot_names
# Author: Dave Brillhart (c) 1997
# Last Modified: 4 Dec 1997
# Note: works for US listings... but easily modified for international use
# Grabs and parses contact info from Sun's "names" database and
# prepares a sorted file in any of three formats as follows.
# The first two are appropriate for importing into PDAs, such as
# the PalmPilot. By default it grabs all of Southern Area, but
# it accepts optional MAILSTOPS in the format: UXXXNN.
# pilot_names -t (tab seperated)
# pilot_names -c (comma seperated)
# pilot_names -p (nicer format for printer or screen)
# pilot_names -h (help on importing to pilot)
# Ex: pilot_names -c uorl02 uatl04
# Ex: pilot_names -t -f names.tab
# Ex: (pilot_names -t upal01 upal02) > /tmp/pal.txt
# These examples produce a sorted:
# - comma seperated listing of everyone in Atlanta and Orlando
# - tab seperated listing of everyone in the Southern Area (close to 700)
# - tab seperated listing of everyone in PaloAlto (over 800) to a file.
# I loaded 680 records for the entire Southern Area and it took up
# 55KB on my PalmPilot. I will enhance this to include pager and cellphone
# data someday. Send bug reports to: Dave.Brillhart@xxxxxxx
# The code ain't pretty but it works. I run it using Perl 5.004_04
$debug = $flg = $tab = $comma = $help = $pretty = 0;
#@florida = (uorl02,umlb01,utpa02,ufll02,ujax04,utal01);
#@georgia = (uatl04);
#@tennessee = (umem01,umem02,umem03,unsv01,uknv01);
#@northcarolina = (ucry03,uclt02);
#@alabama = (uhsv02,umob01,ubhm01);
#@virginia = (uhmp01,uric02,uvnn06,ursn01);
#@maryland = (ubwi03,ubwi04);
#@dc = (uwas02);
#@southernareaoffices = (@florida,@georgia,@tennessee,@maryland,@dc,
# @northcarolina,@alabama,@virginia);
@ssla = (ulax01);
@lax = (ueg002);
@encino = (uen001);
@westla = (@ssla,@lax,@encino);
#@mailstops = @southernareaoffices;
@mailstops = @westla;
# -- Parse command line args
while (($arg = shift(@ARGV))) {
if ($arg eq "-d") { $debug = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-t") { $tab = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-c") { $comma = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-p") { $pretty = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-h") { $help = 1; }
elsif ($arg =~ m/U[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9][0-9]/i)
{ if (! $flg++) { @mailstops=() }; push(@mailstops, $arg); }
else { printf("\nERROR: bad command line arg ($arg)\n"); exit(3); }
if ($help + $tab + $comma + $pretty > 1) {
printf("\nERROR: only specify one of: -h, -t, -c, -p\n"); exit(3); }
if ($help + $tab + $comma + $pretty == 0) {
printf("\nERROR: specify one of: -h (help) -t (tab), -c (comma), -p (pretty)\n"); exit(3); }
if ($help) { &pilotHelp; exit; }
# Populate an array with entries from namex for each mailstop
# Do not include entries that are missing E-mail or Phone
foreach $mailstop (@mailstops) {
$syscmd = "namex $mailstop | grep '\@' | grep -v '#' |";
# -- open a pipe from the command
if (! open(CMD, $syscmd)) {
printf("ERROR: open command ($syscmd)"); exit(3);
while ($line = <CMD>) {
chop $line; $line = &squeezeSTR($line);
if ($debug) { print "$line\n"; }
push (@lines, $line);
close CMD;
if ($debug) { print "ROWCOUNT: ($mailstop) $rowcnt\n"; }
# Process lines into clean useful entries
# Search for valid 5 digit and 10/11 digit phone numbers
# Use Fname, Lname as found in E-mail addr (nicknames)
foreach $line (@lines) {
($ext, $full) = &getPhoneNumbers($line);
if ($debug) { print "PHONE NUMBERS: $ext $full\n"; }
$email = &getEmail($line);
$ms = &getMailStop($line);
($first, $last) = &getName($line);
$fchar = substr($first,0,1); $fchar =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; substr($first,0,1) = $fchar;
$lchar = substr($last,0,1); $lchar =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; substr($last,0,1) = $lchar;
$record = join('^',$last,$first,$ext,$full,$ms,$email);
foreach (@records) {
push(@datakeys, (split(/\^/))[0]);
sub bydatakeys { $datakeys[$a] cmp $datakeys[$b]; }
@sortdata = @records[sort bydatakeys $[..$#records];
foreach $record (@sortdata) {
($ln,$fn,$ex,$pn,$ms,$em) = split(/\^/,$record);
if ($pn ne "---") { $pn = '(' . substr($pn,0,3) . ')' .
substr($pn,3,3) . '-' . substr($pn,6); }
$nm = "$ln, $fn";
if ($pretty) { printf("%-30s %5s %13s %s %s\n",$nm,$ex,$pn,$ms,$em); }
if ($tab) { printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",$ln,$fn,$ex,$pn,$ms,$em); }
if ($comma) { printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n",$ln,$fn,$ex,$pn,$ms,$em); }
# Get Fname, Lname
sub getName {
local($raw) = @_;
local($fname) = ''; local($lname) = '';
($fname,$lname) = $raw =~ m/^[\*()A-Z\.\-'\s]+,\s+[,()\.A-Z\-'\s]+\s+([a-z\-]+)[\.a-z]*\.([a-z\-]+)\@[a-zA-Z]+\s+U[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9][0-9]\-*[A-Z0-9]*\s+.*$/;
if ($debug && (!$fname || !$lname)) { print "INVALID NAME: $raw\n"; }
if (!$fname) { $fname = "---"; }
if (!$lname) { $lname = "---"; }
# Get MailStop
sub getMailStop {
local($raw) = @_;
local($ms) = '';
($ms) = $raw =~ m/^[\*()A-Z\.\-'\s]+,\s+[,()\.A-Z\-'\s]+\s+[a-z\-]+[\.a-z]*\.[a-z\-]+\@[a-zA-Z]+\s+U([A-Z]{3,3})[0-9][0-9]\-*[A-Z0-9]*\s+.*$/;
if ($debug && !$ms) { print "INVALID MAILSTOP: $raw\n"; }
if (!$ms) { $ms = "---"; }
# Get Email
sub getEmail {
local($raw) = @_;
local($email) = '';
($email) = $raw =~ m/^[\*()A-Z\.\-'\s]+,\s+[,()\.A-Z\-'\s]+\s+([a-z\-]+[\.a-z]*\.[a-z\-]+\@[a-zA-Z]+)\s+U[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9][0-9]\-*[A-Z0-9]*\s+.*$/;
if ($debug && !$email) { print "INVALID EMAIL: $raw\n"; }
if (!$email) { $email = "---"; }
# Get phone numbers
sub getPhoneNumbers {
local($raw) = @_;
local($ext) = ''; local($full) = '';
# grab data following valid mailstop - so mailstop won't
# run into phone number and corrupt matching process
($semiraw) = $raw =~ m/^.*u[a-z]{3,3}[0-9][0-9]\-*[A-Z0-9]*\s+(.*)$/i;
# remove spaces, dashes, parens to looks for valid numbers
$semiraw =~ tr/ \-()//d; $semiraw = ' ' . $semiraw . ' ';
($ext) = $semiraw =~ m/\D([0-9]{5,5})\D/;
($full) = $semiraw =~ m/\D1*([0-9]{10,10})\D/;
($fulla,$fullb) = $semiraw =~ m/\D1*([0-9]{10,10})\D+1*([0-9]{10,10})\D/;
if ($debug && $fulla && $fullb && $fulla != $fullb) {
print "INCONSISTANT FULL TELE: $raw\n"; }
if ($debug && !$full) { print "MISSING FULL TELE: $raw\n"; }
if (!$ext) { $ext = "---"; }
if (!$full) { $full = "---"; }
# Validate Lines
sub validateLines {
local($raw) = @_;
if (!($raw =~ m/^[\*()A-Z\.\-'\s]+,\s+[,()\.A-Z\-'\s]+\s+[a-z\-]+[\.a-z]*\.[a-z\-]+\@[a-zA-Z]+\s+U[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9][0-9]\-*[A-Z0-9]*\s+.*$/)) { print "INVALID LINE: $raw\n"; }
# Help file for importing to the Pilot
sub pilotHelp {
print "======================================================================\n";
print "Help File - Importing Data to PalmPilot\n";
print "======================================================================\n";
print "(bug reports: dave.brillhart\@sun.com)\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print " 1.) \$ (pilot_names -c [list of mailstops]) > /tmp/names.txt\n";
print " 2.) \$ unix2dos /tmp/names.txt > /tmp/names.csv\n";
print " 3.) <copy file to PC that is running PilotDesktop 2.0 S/W>\n";
print " 4.) <fire up PilotDesktop and click on Address>\n";
print " 5.) <create a new category called AutoSun and switch to it>\n";
print " 6.) <hit File->Import, FileType=Comma Seperated>\n";
print " 7.) <open the data file called: names.csv>\n";
print " 8.) <sort field order: last, first, other, work, city, e-mail\n";
print " 9.) <make sure only those six fields are checked>\n";
print "10.) <hit ok to read in all records>\n";
print "11.) <hit File->SaveAll>\n";
print "12.) <place PalmPilot in HotSync Cradle and Sync it!!>\n";
print "======================================================================\n";
print "Note: use a seperate category called AutoSun so you can kill them\n";
print "all and reload with new auto-generated data... this preserves all\n";
print "your other address entries\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "DESCRIPTION\n";
print " Grabs and parses contact info from Sun's \"names\" database and\n";
print " prepares a sorted file in any of three formats as follows.\n";
print " The first two are appropriate for importing into PDAs, such as\n";
print " the PalmPilot. By default it grabs all of Southern Area, but\n";
print " it accepts optional MAILSTOPS in the format: UXXXNN.\n";
print "\n";
print " pilot_names -t (tab seperated)\n";
print " pilot_names -c (comma seperated)\n";
print " pilot_names -p (nicer format for printer or screen)\n";
print " pilot_names -h (help on importing to pilot)\n";
print "\n";
print " Ex: pilot_names -c uorl02 uatl04\n";
print " Ex: pilot_names -t -f names.tab\n";
print " Ex: (pilot_names -t upal01 upal02) > /tmp/pal.txt\n";
print "\n";
print " These examples produce a sorted:\n";
print " - comma seperated listing of everyone in Atlanta and Orlando\n";
print " - tab seperated listing of everyone in the Southern Area (close to 700)\n";
print " - tab seperated listing of everyone in PaloAlto (over 800) to a file.\n";
print "\n";
print " I loaded 680 records for the entire Southern Area and it took up\n";
print " 55KB on my PalmPilot. I will enhance this to include pager and cellphone\n";
print " data someday. Send bug reports to: Dave.Brillhart\@sun.com\n";
print "\n";
print " The code ain't pretty but it works. I run it using Perl 5.004_04\n";
print "========================================================================\n";
# convert all whitespace to spaces and squeeze.
# remove leading and trailing whitespace.
sub squeezeSTR {
local($str) = @_;
if (! defined($str) || length($str) == 0) { return $str; }
$str = ' ' . $str . ' '; #required to make trim easier
$str =~ tr/ / /s; # a space and a tab
$1 = ''; $str =~ m/^\s+(.*)\s+$/; $str = $1;
return $str;