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Re: E-mail for Pilot

I think a much better approach, in that it would be much easier to code,
and more compatible into the future, is to use either the pop3 or imap4
interface into mail.  There are well established libraries to use for
this, which would make management of mail folders and their contents
much easier.  University of Washington distributes a copy of these libs
for example.  Look at:


Good luck.

evoosten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Alan Shutko <ats@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > (Not surprising... how many different folder-formats do different apps
> > use?)
> The default SunOs and Solaris mailers use the very old-fasioned
> but highly usefull Unix mailboxes. Even Netscape for Solaris uses
> only small extensions to the mailboxes. They are almost compatible.
> I don't know any details, but I think Unix mailboxes are a
> good place to start for this project.
>     Erik.
> * Erik van Oosten
> * mailto:evoosten@xxxxxx
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  - Jonathan Loran -  
  Space Sciences Lab 
     UC Berkeley      
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