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Re: [ANN] first version of EditAB available

> Hi,
> the first version of EditAB is available at
> http://www.ping.de/sites/garfield/pilotmgr.html.
> EditAB is a tool to view and edit the data stored by SyncAB, written in Perl/
> Tk. This is also the first thing I wrote using Perl and the fisrt time at all 
> I didi anything with Tk. However the thingy is quite useful to me, so I 
> thougth I release it.
> I would like to get feedback about this one...
Oops, seems I missed to add the comments mentioned in the README, maybe I 
should stop releasing software at 4am ;-))

Anyway, I updatet the archive on my homepage and added those comments. Nothing 
else has changed, so don't need it if you already found the right lines...
Oh, these are the lines the README was speaking off:

In TkAB.pm change line 67 which reads "use lib ...." to point to the lib/perl5 
directory of your PilotManager installation.

In EditAB.pl change line 1 to point to your perl (look at the first line of 
your installed PilotManager and duplicate that here.).

If your data resistst somewhere different than ~/.pilotmgr you have to change 
lines 106 and 107 of EditAB.pl, which read "$RCFILE = ..." and "$APPINFOFILE = 
..." respectively, to appropriate values.

Sorry for any inconvenience, but remember: "You get what you pay for, and it's 

so long, Bodo
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