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Re: Keeping multiple instances of a single program on the pilot


	I have not had much time to fully check this out, but an app I recently 
downloaded and installed may be able to help. It is called Hot Swap, and it 
gives you the ability to copy and maintain multiple databases for a single app, 
thereby allowing you to swap in and out whichever database you require at the 
time. So, in your case, you could maintain a seperate Chess10 database for each 
game you are playing, and swap them as needed. Check out 
http://www.iscomplete.com for more info.

     /\        Perley B. C. Mears Jr.   
    \\ \       Systems Engineer
   \ \\ /      Sun Microsystems Inc.
  / \/ / /     6 New England Executive Park
 / /   \//\    Burlington, MA 01803-5018 USA
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  / / /\ /     Internet: perley.mears@xxxxxxxxxxxx
   / \\ \      Phone:    (781) 270-6358          )
    \ \\       FAX:      (781) 270-7210         ((
     \/                                       C|~~|

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