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Error running PilotManager 1st time...

        Hi all... I am getting the error:
Can't load /root/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/i486-linux/auto/Tk/Tk.so for module Tt:
file not found at /usr/lib/perl5/i486-linux/5.00505/DynaLoader.pm line 166...

Has anyone else got this error? I installed the latest and greatest Perl
last night. Should I re-install TK? Do I need a newer version of TK? I am
running TK from the InfoMagic CD April 1997... Any help is appreciated. I am
very anxious to get this going.. It's one of my major apps I need to convert
totally to Linux.

Justin AA9KM

Justin Rains

[L]inux has an installed base conservatively estimated at around 3
million users.... [V]endors say that most of the top companies in the US have
bought the OS - but that few will readily admit to running their
multimillion-dollar corporations on code put together by a band of software
idealists. --

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