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Re: PalmPilot Battery Problem


	I change my batteries this way all the time, not because there is any
benefit regarding the application of power to the memory per se, but
because it minimizes the time that there is no power. I find the time
w/o power much lower when I change 1 battery at a time. Perhaps this is
due to my own human failings in how quickly I can change batteries, but
I like to think not. :-)

Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
>    I called 3Com, and a friendly service representative told
>    me that this is not an uncommon problem on older Pilots,
>    and advised me to change the batteries *one at a time*.
> If the batteries are really connected in serial (which appears to be
> the case), I can't imagine this making a difference.  In fact, I'm
> trying to imagine a way to connect the two batteries and the
> connection they share in common in such a way that either battery will
> maintain memory voltage, and failing...
> --
> Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
> Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
> New Mexico State University          http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~pfeiffer
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     /\        Perley B. C. Mears Jr.   
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