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Re: Pilot Email

Hi Wai,
     Yes I am, here is what I do.
     1.  I created a notepad category called "Inbox".
     2.  I find the email (and web pages) that I would like to read at a 
         later time (Like when I am driving, I velcro the pilot to my steering
         wheel - NOTE For real Men (geeks) only) and right-click on the title of
         the email and do "Save as text" and save it to nbox.  NOTE: remember
         memory size limitation of the pilot for large email.
     3.  When I find an email that I would like to respond to I just copy the 
         text to the Pilot Mail (Note Professional version) and respond and hit
     4.  With version 1.106 we have SyncMail which when I sync my pilot sends
         the email using sendmail.
     5.  If you have the Pilot personal version I considered writing a ksh
         script that would look in $HOME/.pilotmgr/SyncMemo/Outbox and send it
         using sendmail but never finished the script and then found SyncMail.
From: Wai-Hung.Wan@UK (Wai-Hung Wan -  Sun UK - Principal Systems Engineer Sale)
> To: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Email
> Hi,
> I'd like to know if anyone is downloading emails to their 
> Palmpilot to read /respond offline. If so any pointers on how
> this can be done willbe gratefully accepted.
> (Please reapond directly)
> Regards,
> Wai
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