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Re: Changing TimeZone

> Personally, this error is very annoying; as I'd rather have a 
> slightly-off schedule in my Pilot than lose the ability to Sync my 
> schedule altogether. Now I'm at the mercy of convincing someone in 
> IT/ENS to change the time zone description on my machine. They are 
> either not buying the reason for my request, or will get around to it 
> "eventually". I don't have the time to be haggling with them about 
> this. At the moment, since I can't sync: I'm screwed.

making your schedule "slightly-off" is not what would happen with this bug..
try "totally random".. would that be useful?

anyway, you don't need root access to change your timezone for the current
shell!!  Just do

% setenv TZ PST8PDT
(csh or tcsh)
$ export TZ

This will change the value for this shell.  Run pilotmanager now and it will
see this value of TZ.  You do need root access to change TZ system-wide, in
the /etc/default/init file.

	- Alan
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