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Re: Error in pilot-link/Perl5 test

On Thu, Jan 15, 1998 at 03:35:54PM -0700, Rod Oldehoeft wrote:
> Hello, I reported earlier that my Tk version problems seem to be
> over, and here's another update.
> I downloaded pilot-link.0.8.9, scraped off 0.8.7, and did the 
> install thing as specified.
> The last things that README.porting says to do is:
> 	cd Perl5
> 	perl Makefile.PL
> 	make install
> This all seems to be OK, but the Perl5/README file also mentions
> a "make test".  Seems like a good idea:
> 	[rro@poulenc Perl5]# make test
> 	PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -I./blib/arch -I./blib/lib
> 	-I/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.00403 -I/usr/lib/perl5 test.pl
> 	What port should I use [/dev/cua3]: 
> 	make: *** [test_dynamic] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> Maybe this is because of other Pilot Manager difficulties I have
> not yet gotten to in a later phase of Setup, but at this point
> Setup still tells me I don't have the right binary of PDA::Pilot.
> Is it time to let this project rest, and restart from scratch 
> next month?

	Why?  Just because it isn't working your box doesn't mean the
software is broken and worth chucking.  You are doing something wrong, own
up to that and fix it, instead of blaming the software.  (sorry if that
came out too harsh, but it is sound advice for any unix person ... :) )

	Have you tried upgrading perl to 5.004_04 (latest stable _03 was
not stable).  Have you verified that your libpisock exists, its directory
is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or in /etc/ld.conf) and have run ldconfig since
you installed pilot-link?  Did you do make install from pilot-link?


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