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Pilotmgr v1.103 question

I'm trying out v1.103 and it can't seem to find auto/Tk/timeofday.al so
compilation/execution fails.  I don't see it in the lib/perl5 hierarchy
that came with v1.103 and I don't see it in my group's installation of
perl5.  I also didn't see it in the latest.sun4-solaris-tk.tar.gz or in
the Tk402.003.tar.gz I found on a CPAN site (though perhaps I just need
to build the latter to create it).

Where is it typically?  Is it a normal part of the Perl5 Tk module (in
which case my group's Perl5 Tk is out of date and I need to build my
own), or is it something normally supplied with the PilotManager stuff
(in which case it appears to be missing from the tar file....)?

Many thanks for any thoughts/comments/corrections/pointers.  Many thanks
also for PilotManager et al (Alan, Bharat, Kenneth, etc.).

|Ernest D. Brouwer |DSC Communications Corp.|voice: 1 (972) 519-3088 |
|                  |m/s ain-d               |  fax: 1 (972) 519-3700 |
|"My comments are  |1000 Coit Rd.       +---+                        |
| just that...mine"|Plano, TX 75075-5813|email:ebrouwer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx|

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