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Re: GUI address tool

>>>>> "alanr" == alanr  <alanr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    alanr> Another thought would be to read/write the Netscape address
    alanr> book format, and a sync tool for that combination.

Nope, sorry, not even remotely interested in doing this.

    alanr> In spite of this comment, if you wrote one like you're
    alanr> describing, I'd probably use it.  You'd still need some
    alanr> sync logic though, as you need to resolve conflicting
    alanr> changes, etc.  PRC "file" format isn't as useful or
    alanr> interesting as Pilot PDA "record" format is.  You probably
    alanr> need auxiliary information to make syncing work anyway.

Actually, it'd be in .pdb format, not .prc.  It would read the .pdb
files directly synced from the pilot.  I'd leave it up to the pilotmgr 
gooroos to write a conduit, otherwise you'd just need to blindly overwrite
with an install each time.

My first cut is just going to be a GUI that reads and writes the .pdb
file directly.  If people start using something like that, then I'd
expect to create a demand for a pilotmgr conduit to sync between them

-- Gary F.
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