> I just upgraded to 2.6 FCS to get the latest CDE required by > pilotmanager. > Unfortunately I cannot get the setup to run properly because I no longer > have > permission to modify/examine the properties on my calendar. My calendar > is > currently on our office server. I can add and change appointments but I > cannot > give anyone else permission to add or change appointments. Does anyone > know > what file that cm is using to set these permissions so I can clear it? > The > man pages were of little or no use. Greetings. You need to make sure that the server is upgraded to the latest version of CDE and that you have full ownership priveleges for the calendar. Then it will work fine. If you plan on sharing a calendar with somebody (ie, both of you sync your Pilot to the same calendar) you need to make sure that BOTH of you have ownership priveleges for the calendar (which requires that your sysadmin actually edit your callog file). -Bharat