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Re: Backing up the phone directory
- To: Thomas Dwyer III <tomiii@eng>
- Subject: Re: Backing up the phone directory
- From: Martin von Weissenberg <Martin.von.Weissenberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: 17 Nov 1997 10:33:34 +0200
- Cc: pilotmgr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- In-reply-to: Thomas Dwyer III's message of Sun, 16 Nov 1997 11:45:06 -0800 (PST)
- References: <199711161945.LAA02483@mr-pibb.eng.sun.com>
- Sender: owner-pilotmgr@shadow
Thomas Dwyer III <tomiii@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> BTW, does anyone know where I can get the file format of AddressDB.pdb?
> I'd like to write a utility that converts it to and from a text file.
Yes. Get the pilot-link package from ftp://reyham.ee.ryerson.ca/. The
libsock directory contains C source code for accessing the standard four
This summer I wrote a Perl 5 script (based on the pilot-link source
code) which greps through the address database and displays the phone
numbers. Feel free to use it as a base. I've included it below.
Martin von Weissenberg <http://www.hut.fi/~mweissen>
NYBSTER, n.: Sort of person who takes the lift to travel one floor. (DA)
#! /bin/sh -- # This comment tells perl not to loop.
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# Pilot Address Dumper
# (C) Martin von Weissenberg (mvw@xxxxxx), 1997
# Still quite beta-stage software. Insert standard disclaimer here.
# This script, pad, is a utility for quickly finding and displaying
# addresses from an AddressDB.pdb file. It's a read-only process, so
# this utility can be rated as safe. The AddressDB.pdb file is what
# you get if you sync your USR Pilot or PalmPilot to e.g. a Unix
# workstation using pilot-link, PilotManager or similar software. If
# you have neither a Pilot or a workstation, the usefulness of this
# utility may be somewhat limited.
# Pad keeps a translated database in a work file in ~/.pilotmgr to
# save some time. If AddressDB.pdb is newer than the work file, we
# update the work file by translating the address file again. If
# there are arguments left when all options have been parsed, we grep
# through the work file and then pretty-print (?) the lines we found.
# The search terms are grouped together using either Boolean AND or
# Boolean OR, depending on the command line options. There is
# currently no way of specifying "term1 AND term2 OR term3".
# The information needed to parse pdb files was taken from:
# Darrin Massena's page at http://www.massena.com/darrin/pilot/
# pilot-link.0.7.6, libsock/address.c
# Contributors:
# Brent: Brent Browning <Brent.Browning@xxxxxxxxxxx>
# Donnell: Mark Donnell, donnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Martin: Martin von Weissenberg, mvw@xxxxxx
# Mick: Dan Mick, dan.mick@xxxxxxxxxxxx
# Changelog:
# Martin ??0797: First alpha version released.
# Donnell 080897: Tests for Backup/LatestArchive/AddressDB.pdb
# before Backup/AddressDB.pdb.
# Donnell 080897: To handle multi-line notes, moved Note to end.
# Donnell 080897: Replaced \n with \\n & \t with \\t.
# Donnell 080897: Added textual indexes (eg: $data[$labels{"Company"}]).
# Donnell 080897: Added -lp & -la modes.
# Donnell 080897: Added -L and PrintRecordCols.
# Martin 130897: Added the $pilmgrbase variable.
# Martin 200897: Changed $caseSensitivity variable from string to
# boolean.
# Martin 200897: Added -a and -o options.
# Martin 200897: Fixed an index bug in UpdateWorkbase which left out
# the last record.
# Martin 200897: Fixed up -lz mode a lot, inserting field labels.
# Martin 210897: Fixed a bug with phone labels in -lz and -ld modes
# Martin 210897: Decided to go beta.
# Brent 230897: Fixed a bug with @ads.
# Mick 161097: Fixed the unpacking of @fileHeader
# To do:
# - Fix up the grepping stuff, it could be a lot faster using Perl
# internal regexps. On the other hand the whole search takes less
# than one second anyway (on a SparcStation 5).
$pilmgrbase = $ENV{HOME} . "/.pilotmgr";
$workdbpath = $pilmgrbase . "/addresses";
if (-f $pilmgrbase . "/Backup/LatestArchive/AddressDB.pdb") {
$addressdbpath = $pilmgrbase .
} else {
$addressdbpath = $pilmgrbase . "/Backup/AddressDB.pdb";
$recordSep = "\n";
$fieldNum=22; # = 23-1, why not 20-1 as in address.c??
@phoneLabels = ("Work", "Home", "Fax", "Other", "E-mail", "Main",
"Pager", "Mobile");
while ($_=$ARGV[0], /^-/) {
shift @ARGV;
if (/^-d(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-w(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-l(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-L(.*)$/ && length($1)) {
} elsif (/^-a$/) {
$booleanAnd = 1;
} elsif (/^-o$/) {
$booleanAnd = 0;
} elsif (/^-f$/) {
} elsif (/^-H$/) {
} elsif (/^-c$/) {
} else {
goto USAGE; # don't but me no buts about the use of goto!
if ($forceUpdate) {
&UpdateWorkbase($addressdbpath, $workdbpath);
if (! $ARGV[0]) {
print (STDERR "$workdbpath successfully updated "
. "from $addressdbpath\n");
exit 0;
if ($ARGV[0]) {
(@ads = stat($addressdbpath)) || die "$0: No such address "
. "database as $addressdbpath";
@wds = stat($workdbpath);
if ($ads[9]>$wds[9]) {
&UpdateWorkbase($addressdbpath, $workdbpath);
open (INF, "< $workdbpath") ||
die "$0: Cannot find work database file $workdbpath\n";
@labels = split(/\t/, $labels);
for ($i=0; $i<$#labels; $i++) {
$labels{"$labels[$i]"} = $i;
# $labels = "Last name First name ..."
# @labels: $labels[0] = "Last name"; $labels[1] = "First name"; ...
# %labels: $labels{"Last name"} = 0; $labels{"First name"} = 1; ...
# $labelcolumn will contain indexes of columns to print based on
# -L"cols ..."
if ($labelmode) {
@labelmode = split(/,/, $labelmode . ",XXXX");
# doesn't work w/o extra entry (?)
# need to pick which columns these are & get their col nums
for ($i=0; $i<=$#labelmode; $i++) {
$labelcolumn[$i] = -1;
for ($j=0; $j<=$#labels; $j++) {
if ($labels[$j] =~ /^$labelmode[$i]/) {
$labelcolumn[$i] = $j;
#$labelcolumn[$i] = $labels{$labelmode[$i]};
#$labelcolumn[$i] = -1 if (($labelcolumn[$i]==0)
#&& ($labelmode[$i] ne $labels[0]));
if ($labelmode) { &PrintRecordCols($labels) if ($printHeader); }
else { &PrintRecord($labels, $mode) if ($printHeader); }
$cs = $caseSensitivity ? '' : '-i';
# Now pick the lines to be printed.
# If $booleanAnd is true, all terms must match for each line. Adding
# one grep after the other is the easy way to do it. I'd like to
# merge the terms into one regexp, but I'm not able to do it.
if ($booleanAnd) {
$query = "grep $cs $ARGV[0] $workdbpath |";
while ($keyword=$ARGV[0]) {
$query .= "grep $cs $keyword |";
open (INF, $query);
while ($line=<INF>) {
if ($labelmode) { &PrintRecordCols($line); }
else { &PrintRecord($line, $mode); }
close (INF);
} else {
# Boolean OR: any matching term will do.
# This is also done the easy and inefficient way. The terms should of
# course be merged into one regexp, but how?
while ($keyword=$ARGV[0]) {
open (INF, "grep $cs $keyword $workdbpath |");
while ($line=<INF>) {
if ($labelmode) { &PrintRecordCols($line); }
else { &PrintRecord($line, $mode); }
close (INF);
} else {
# Print a short manual. I skipped the \t format in favour of
# pre-formatted ascii.
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 term1 [term2 ...]
-l[paz] List options: default is to print only current phone
p = phone#, a = address, z = all,
-L"label,label,label,..." = print these labeled columns (partial names OK)
eg: =L"Last,First,Note"
-a AND: All terms must match for the record to be printed (default)
-o OR: The record is printed if there is at least one matching term
-c Case sensitivity on (default: off)
-f Force work file update (default: off)
-H Print header line (default: off)
-dPATH The address pdb file to use.
-wPATH The work file to use.
exit 1;
exit 0;
# PrintRecordCols prints the specified columns of the specified record.
# Unfortunately the formatting is not too pretty right now
sub PrintRecordCols {
my ($line) = @_;
my ($i);
$line =~ s/\\n/\n/go;
@data = split(/\t/, $line);
for ($i=0; $i<$#data; $i++) {$data[$i] =~ s/\\t/\t/go;}
$whph = (ord($data[$labels{"Labels"}]) - ord('0')); # first digit
$whph = 0 if ($whph > 4 || $whph < 0);
$phndx = $whph + $labels{"Work"}; # should be first phone field
for ($i=0; $i<$#labelcolumn; $i++) {
printf "%s\t", $data[$labelcolumn[$i]] if
($labelcolumn[$i] > -1);
print "\n";
# PrintRecord prints the specified record using the labels and mode.
# Data field $labels{"Labels"} = 21 contains phone field labels in a
# packed format.
sub PrintRecord {
local ($line, $mode) = @_;
my ($i);
$line =~ s/\\n/\n/go;
@data = split(/\t/, $line);
for ($i=0; $i<$#data; $i++) {$data[$i] =~ s/\\t/\t/go;}
#$whph = (ord($data[$labels{"Labels"}]) - ord('0')); # first digit
#$whph = 0 if ($whph > 4 || $whph < 0);
#$whlbl = ord(substr($data[$labels{"Labels"}],$whph+1,1)) - ord('0');
#$phndx = $whph + $labels{"Work"}; # should be first phone field
## $phoneLabels[$whlbl] . ": " . $data[$whph + 3]
if ($mode eq 'd' || $mode eq 'p') {
$whph = (ord($data[$labels{"Labels"}]) - ord('0')); # first digit
$whph = 0 if ($whph > 4 || $whph < 0);
# $phndx = $whph + $labels{"Work"}; # should be first phone field
$phndx = 3;
printf (STDOUT "%-24s\t ",
($data[$labels{"Last name"}]
? $data[$labels{"Last name"}] . ", " .
$data[$labels{"First name"}]
: $data[$labels{"Company"}]));
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
if ($data[$phndx+$i] ne "") {
$whlbl = ord(substr($data[$labels{"Labels"}],$i+1,1))
- ord('0');
printf (STDOUT "%s\t", substr($phoneLabels[$whlbl],0,1)
. ":" . $data[$phndx+$i]);
print (STDOUT "\n");
elsif ($mode eq 'a') {
printf (STDOUT "%-30s\t %s%s%s%s%s\n",
($data[$labels{"Last name"}] . ", "
. $data[$labels{"First name"}]) .
($data[$labels{"Company"}] ? ", "
. $data[$labels{"Company"}] : "") .
($data[$labels{"Title"}] ? ", "
. $data[$labels{"Title"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"Address"}] ? ", "
. $data[$labels{"Address"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"City"}] ? ", "
. $data[$labels{"City"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"State"}] ? ", "
. $data[$labels{"State"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"Zip Code"}] ? ", "
. $data[$labels{"Zip Code"}] : ""),
($data[$labels{"Country"}] ? ", "
. $data[$labels{"Country"}] : "")
elsif ($mode eq 'z') {
print "----------------------\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$fieldNum-1; $i++) {
if ($data[$i]) {
$lbl = $labels[$i];
if ($i>=3 && $i<=7) { # fix the phone labels
$lbl = $phoneLabels[(ord(substr($data[$labels{"Labels"}],
$i-2,1)) - ord('0'))];
printf(STDOUT "%-15s: %s\n", $lbl, $data[$i]);
#print "$line----------------\n";
} else {
die "$0: Invalid mode specification.";
# UpdateWorkbase parses the specified AddressDB file to a
# tab-delimited file specified by $wdb. The last field in each record
# contains the phone number field labels in a packed format.
sub UpdateWorkbase {
local ($adb,$wdb)=@_;
@foo = stat($adb);
open (ADB, "<" . $adb) ||
die "$0: Cannot find the AddressDB.pdb file\n";
if (-f $wdb) {
system("mv -f $wdb $wdb.bak");
unless (open (WDB, ">" . $wdb)) {
system("mv -f $wdb.bak $wdb");
die "$0: Cannot open the work data file $wdb\n";
read (ADB, $packedHeader, 78);
@fileHeader = unpack("A32 a28 a8 a8 n", $packedHeader);
$fileHeader[0] =~ s/\0.*//;
$name = $fileHeader[0];
$fileHeader[2] =~ s/\0.*//;
$typecrea = $fileHeader[2];
$numRecords = $fileHeader[4];
if (($typecrea ne 'DATAaddr') || # The type and creator...
($name ne 'AddressDB')) { # ...and the name must match.
system("mv -f $wdb.bak $wdb");
die "$0: File $adb is not an address database\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$numRecords; $i++) { # read in record offsets
read ADB, $d, 8;
$offset[$i] = unpack ("N x4", $d);
# print (STDERR $offset[$i]);
$offset[$numRecords] = $foo[7]; # EOF location
# skip all category stuff, it can be implemented later if necessary
read ADB, $d, 284;
for ($i=0; $i<$fieldNum; $i++) { # read in field labels
read ADB, $labels[$i], 16;
$idx = index($labels[$i], "\0");
$labels[$i] = substr($labels[$i], 0, $idx);
if ($labels[$i] eq "Note") {
$noteField = $i;
else {
print (WDB $labels[$i] . "\t");
$labels{$labels[$i]} = $i - ($noteField < 0 ? 0 : 1);
print (WDB "Labels\t$labels[$noteField]\n");
$labels{"Labels"} = $fieldNum;
$labels{"$labels[$noteField]"} = $noteField;
read ADB, $d, 4; # skip stuff
for ($i=0; $i<$numRecords; $i++) {
# The following seek command could be commented out.
seek ADB, $offset[$i], 0;
read ADB, $d, 9;
@rawRec = unpack("C C C C C C C C C", $d);
$whichPh = ($rawRec[1] & 0xF0)>>4;# which phone nr is the default
$phLbl[4] = ($rawRec[1] & 0x0F);
$phLbl[3] = ($rawRec[2] & 0xF0)>>4;
$phLbl[2] = ($rawRec[2] & 0x0F);
$phLbl[1] = ($rawRec[3] & 0xF0)>>4;
$phLbl[0] = ($rawRec[3] & 0x0F);
$contents = ($rawRec[5] * (1 << 16))
+ ($rawRec[6] * (1 << 8)) + ($rawRec[7]);
read ADB, $d, ($offset[$i+1] - $offset[$i]) - 9;
$note = "";
for ($j=0; $j<$fieldNum; $j++) {
if ($contents & (1 << $j)) {
$idx = index($d, "\0");
$data[$j] = substr($d, 0, $idx);
$d = substr($d, length($data[$j])+1);
} else {
$data[$j] = "";
} #
$data[$j] =~ s/\r/, /go;
$data[$j] =~ s/\n/\\n/go;
$data[$j] =~ s/\t/\\t/go;
$data[$j] =~ s/\s$//og;
if ($j == $noteField) {
$note = $data[$j];
else {
print (WDB $data[$j] . "\t");
print (WDB join("",$whichPh,@phLbl));
$note = "\\n" . $note if ($note ne "");
print (WDB "\t$note$recordSep");
close (WDB);
close (ADB);
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