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PilotManager Installation


Please note the following changes if upgrading from PilotManager version 1.107:


If you're impatient, you can skip this section and just try installing and running PilotManager. The necessary prerequisites are already installed on some systems. If you get errors about missing perl modules, come back here to resolve them.

Earlier versions of PilotManager were distributed with the perl modules Tk, MD5, IO, and PDA::Pilot. These are not part of PilotManager, but rather libraries written by other authors that are maintained separately. These packages are no longer distributed with PilotManager. If you get error messages about one of these packages being unavailable, then you will need to install it yourself.


In the simplest case, unpack the tarball and do
perl Setup.pl
This creates the executable PilotManager, which you can then run. It can be run in place, i.e. there is no "make install" step. If you want to install it somewhere other than where you unpacked it, simply copy the whole directory.

That's all, unless you use third-party conduits, i.e. modules like SyncBBDB that are distributed separately from PilotManager. In that case, you may give Setup.pl a -conduitdir argument that names a directory where such conduits are installed. For example,

perl Setup.pl -conduitdir /usr/local/lib/pilotmgr-conduits
The installation instructions for some conduits may direct you to install them in the pilotmgr-x.xxx directory (the directory that is created when you unpack the tarball). As of PilotManager 1.108, you can install them in the -conduitdir directory. This is preferable because it will allow you to avoid reinstalling the conduits the next time you upgrade PilotManager.


Run PilotManager and open the Preferences dialog (under the File menu). To configure a conduit, put it on the Active Conduits list, select it, and click Configure. See http://pilotmanager.sourceforge.net/conduits.html for details on the various conduits.

If you get an error message when trying to move a conduit from the Active to the Inactive list, fix the problem and restart PilotManager before trying again.

The "Pilot Port" field:

The "Comm speed" field: some serial ports are unreliable at high speeds, so try a lower one if you have problems.. The speed setting has no effect for USB.


After you have read the instructions for all configured conduits and made the recommended backups, press the Hotsync button on PilotManager and then on your handheld device.


PilotManager depends on the pilot-link libraries to communicate with the handheld, so if pilot-link isn't working then PilotManager won't either. Try testing with "pilot-xfer -l", and see http://www.pilot-link.org/ .

For PilotManager-specific help, see http://pilotmanager.sourceforge.net/ .

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