PilotManager with a SunRay Andy Poggio 30 Nov 00 0. You need SunRay 1.2 or later software. This should be the case with SunRays installed after the date of this document. 1. Purchase a SunRay-compatible serial to USB adapter. I am using an Edgeport/2 purchased directly from IONetworks (www.ionetworks.com). You can phone Cathy Collins at 512/306.1124; she offers a 20% discount to Sun. 2. Plug the adapter into a SunRay USB port. On the Edgeport/2 the front panel light will blink green. I have never seen it stay a steady green as the manual describes. It blinks yellow when you have serial traffic passing thru it. 3. Connect your Palm cradle to port 1 on the Edgeport. 4. To locate the device, type: # cd $UTDEVROOT/dev/term 5. In the term directory, find the device; for my Edgeport/2 port 1 it is: Inside_Out_Networks.04-05-005558a 6. Make a symbolic link to a unique identifier in your home directory; for example, /home/poggio/pilotmgrporta, by typing: # ln -s $UTDEVROOT/dev/term/Inside_Out_Networks.04-05-005558a \ /home/poggio/pilotmgrporta 7. Start PilotManager. In Properties under the File menu, set the Pilot Port to your symbolic link: /home/poggio/pilotmgrporta. Set the comm speed to 115200. 8. Sync your Palm. You may see some delays at the beginning and end of the sync process, but at the high comm speed things should be faster overall.