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How to make PilorManager use stdin/stdout ?

Hi folks,

I'm just struggling to get Modem-HotSync working and now facing the
problem how to make PilotManager just use stdin/stdout for the
HotSync? The "-sync" option is already a big win, but PilotManager
still tries to open the configured device.

I hacked mgetty-1.1.12 in a similar way to the AUTO_PPP option
to recognize a pilot HotSync-call. The problem however is, that
there is no need to switch baud rates or set tty-params.

The next would be to add some sort of user-management to the pilot
to be able to use the same modem by different people.

Are there any hints where to start. Unfortunatelly I know nothing 
of perl so any pointers are welcome.


PS.: The patch is available from:
	 If there are any questions, feel free to ask.

set - `type $0` 'tr "[a-zA-Z]" "[n-za-mN-ZA-M]"';while [ "$2" != "" ];do \
shift;done; echo 'frq -a -rc '`echo "$0"| $1 `'>$UBZR/.`rpub signature|'`\
echo $1|$1`'`;rpub "Jr ner fvtangher bs obet. Erfvfgnapr vf shgvyr!"'|$1|sh

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