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Re: larger issue (Re: Linux install misses Tk)

On Thu, Jan 15, 1998 at 02:20:13PM -0800, Alan Harder wrote:
> My input-
> 1. A java port would be a LOT of work and would gain very little.

	<<- applauding wildly and cheering ->>

> 2. All the recent troubles have nothing to do with how well perl or any
>    of these packages work.  The beauty of the current system is that on
>    ANY architecture and flavor of unix, anyone with the ability to download,
>    compile and install a few packages can get PilotManager up and running.
>    The problems we've been seeing lately are because we are trying to
>    expand our user base to include those who don't have the technical
>    ability to setup these packages themselves.  Unfortunately we don't
>    yet have a Setup script robust enough to handle all problems.. but we'll
>    get there.

	In the all-to-forgotten art of putting my money where my mouth it,
if it can wait until my supply of round tuits reaches critical mass, I'll
take care of writing a decent setup script (MakeMaker should fit the bill
	However, with qualifiers 3 + n weeks away (don't ask) and research
taking precedence, my supply is going to be hovering around empty for a
little bit ...


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